June 4, 2015, Thursday - Bohemian Flats Walking Tour with the Mill City Museum
Time: 6:30pm -8:00pm
Location: Meet at Bohemian Flats Park, 2200 West River Parkway
$14 adults, $12 senior citizens & college students,
$10 children ages 6-17 and MHS members.
Includes museum admission. Tickets on sale online or at 612-341-7555
Enjoy a special evening walking tour of the historic Bohemian Flats, led by the Rachel Hines and Stefanie Kowalczyk, the University of Minnesota students who developed the exhibit “Remembering the Bohemian Flats: One Place, Many Voices.” Hear how immigrants built a community in this flood-prone area, the diverse perspectives of the many people who lived there, and how the flats have changed over time. The tour group will meet at the parking pay box next to parking lot of Bohemian Flats Park, 2200 West River Parkway, Minneapolis MN 55415.
The tour includes about 1.5 miles of moderately-paced walking on uneven surfaces. If someone in your party uses a cane, wheelchair, walker, or has otherwise limited mobility, please call at least two weeks in advance of your tour so we can do our best to accommodate their needs. Tours are held rain or shine. Please dress accordingly.
Also available June 25.