June 27, 2019, Thursday - Summer Sweat Series: Free A10 at Gold Medal Park
Time: 6 PM – 7:30 PM
Location: Gold Medal Park
Summer Sweat Series: Free A10 at Gold Medal Park
The Alchemy 365 Summer Sweat Series is heading to Gold Medal Park! Soak up some sun + get your sweat on during a free A10 class. There's no need to pre-register, just show up with your crew + mat! Check-in will begin at 5:30PM.
lululemon Twin Cities North Loop will be on-deck with surprises for athletes attending class. Plus, Nautical Bowls will be parked and ready to serve up some post workout smoothie bowls!
What's an A10 all about? This class is our bread and butter. This 40-minute class starts with a gradual, yet progressive warm up integrating fundamental yoga postures to get the body moving and the heart pumping. A10 peaks when you give it your all during a 10-minute stretch of maximum cardio. Class winds down with a dose of incredibly soothing stretching so you can walk away ready to conquer your day.
Alchemy 365 Members: this is part of our Summer Sweat Series! Attend class + earn 3 points.
Summer Sweat Series: Free A10 in Gold Medal Park | Thursday, June 27 at 6PM at Gold Medal Park