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June 17, 2013, Monday - Chefs for Change at People Serving People

Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm (shelter tours beginning at 6:30pm)

Location: People Serving People, 614 South 3rd Street

Chefs for Change: A Chef's Table Culinary Experience

Chefs for Change is a cooking demonstration and an elegant dinner party with a purpose. It is hosted by a top executive chef from the Twin Cites Metro area. Over the past several years, chefs from restaurants including The Oceanaire Seafood Room, Porter and Frye and Capital Grille have hosted Chefs for Change events on one or more occasion.

Purchase tickets.

Changing Lives One Recipe at a Time

For both Sandy and Vantella, People Serving People’s Culinary Arts Training Program provided support in a seemingly hopeless situation.

PSP’s Culinary Arts program is a full-spectrum training offered four times per year to PSP guests and other low-income adults throughout the metro area.  Free of charge to accepted applicants, for 13 weeks students are taught skills and techniques for professional cooking, both in the classroom and with hands-on experience in PSP’s Food Service. Since the program’s inception in 2005 more than 154 students have graduated and are now employed in commercial kitchens at St. Anne’s, New Way House, the University of Minnesota, Hilton Hotels, Augsburg College and local restaurants.

Sandy worked at a lumber company for 39 years in a variety of administrative roles. When she was laid off at age 64, she was not ready to retire but felt overwhelmed by the idea of searching for a new job after spending most of her career with one company.

“When I was laid off I was distraught,” Sandy said. “I basically sat at home and cried for a whole month. Then I went to the workforce center and tried to find work at several places but had no luck.”

One day Sandy’s workforce center counselor asked her to think outside of the box and consider what else she might like to do. She said her immediate response was to cook. Sandy’s counselor was familiar with PSP’s Culinary Arts Training Program and referred her to PSP’s Employment Specialist Amy Honer.

“I have always toyed with the idea of culinary school, but it was too expensive. When I worked at the lumber company I always baked items and brought them in to share with co-workers. I stopped for about a month and one of the guys I worked with asked if my oven was broke at home,” Sandy said. “Food brings people together. I have made more friends through sharing food than anything else because it is a common ground for everybody.”

Sandy graduated from PSP’s Culinary Arts Training Program in April and was offered an internship in the shelter’s Food Service. PSP Food Service Manager Mike Seiler selects an intern from each graduating class for the internship to help them gain more training and work experience.

Vantella is a mother of three and stays in PSP’s Supportive Housing.  Vantella was unemployed for two years before she applied for PSP’s Culinary Arts Training Program. She graduated from the program and passed her Safe Serv test. Recently she secured a permanent position with a catering company in downtown Minneapolis.

“When I was unemployed, I did any temp work I could get. I needed to take care of myself and my three children. I did not want to depend on Hennepin County for the rest of my life,” Vantella said.

Vantella volunteered in PSP’s kitchen to keep busy during her job search and give back to the shelter. Mike Seiler, the Food Service Manager, was impressed by her cooking skills and work ethic and encouraged her to apply to the culinary program.

“I love cooking things like chicken alfredo, greens, baked macaroni and cheese,” Vantella said. “I make an excellent barbecue sauce. I’ve had a lot of jobs in my life but cooking is the best. I still remember staying up all night to help my grandmother cook meals for our family during the holidays.”

Working with PSP Food Service Manager Mike Seiler revived some of that childhood excitement. “PSP’s program is a great program. Mike teaches you how to prep food, convert recipes, adequate serving amounts, and cut food Julienne style. Mike really teaches you a lot of things.”

Sandra agrees: “Mike doesn’t make you feel stupid. He is just very instructive and patient."