June 11, 2019, Tuesday - Demonstration Prairie Planting on Nicollet Island
Time: 6p - 8p
Location: Nicollet Island
Working together on Nicollet Island, FMR staff and volunteers will dig in and plant over 600 native prairie plants! These prairie plugs will be planted in two 150-square-foot raised bed gardens along the newly installed pedestrian trail. Following this planting, identification plaques will be added to the garden allowing park visitors the chance to learn more about the stunning array of species coming up throughout the restored prairie.
FMR is leading a multi-year restoration of the natural areas on the north half of the island in partnership with the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization and the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board. The restoration plan includes removal of invasive species, enhancement of degraded forest areas, and the creation of new, diverse habitat, including two acres of native prairie and the re-creation of a pocket of maple forest historically present on the island.
All are welcome. No experience is needed however, registration is required and capacity is limited. All tools, gloves and training will be provided.