January 19, 2016, Tuesday - U.S. Bank Stadium Traffic Management Forum
5:45 pm: DMNA Board Business
7:00 pm: Stadium Traffic Community Forum & Construction Update (Co-hosted by the Mill City Times)
Location: Mill City Museum, ADM Room (Floor 6), 704 S2nd Street
U.S. Bank Stadium Traffic Management Forum
The DMNA Board typically meets on the 3rd Monday of the month. As the 3rd Monday is a public holiday this month, we will meet on Tuesday, January 19th.
After regular board business (approximately 7:00 pm), Billy Langenstein will present plans for game day traffic management at U.S. Bank Stadium. Staff from the Minnesota Sports Facility Authority will also provide a construction update.
Visit the DMNA Events page for updates: http://www.thedmna.org/event/january-dmna-board-meeting/