January 15, 2015, Thursday - East Downtown Council Forum
Time: 11:30am to 1:00pm
Location: PadillaCRT – 1101 West River Parkway, Suite 400
The January 15 EDC Business Forum is titled Green Ribbons, Downtown Parks and the Nicollet Mile: Outdoor Urbanism at Its Best: Minneapolis Downtown Council’s 2025 greening initiatives, Park Committee, and 2025 Plan.
Minnesotans celebrate opportunities for outdoor activities in every season of the year. Hot or cold–we adapt our clothing to the weather and live as much outdoors as we do indoors. But, how does this take place in a dense urban setting such as Downtown Minneapolis? This forum is focused on how cities envision, create, and program parks, greening, and place-making in outdoor spaces. Guest presenters Steve Cramer, CEO of the Minneapolis Downtown Council and project consultant Peter Brown will present leading concepts and actual projects that are transforming how people experience life outdoors in downtown Minneapolis.
- Welcome and Introductions, Paul Mellblom, President EDC, Dan Collison, Executive Director EDC (10 Minutes)
- Stadium Construction Update, Lynn Littlejohn, Director of Community Affairs, Mortenson Construction (5 Minutes)
- Feature Presentation with Steve Cramer and Peter Brown (30 Minutes)
- Q & A Moderated by Dan Collison (10 Minutes)
- Preview of the February EDC Business Forum (5 Minutes)
The cost to attend the forum is $20, which can be paid by cash or check at the door. Please RSVP to info@edcmpls.org by no later than Monday, January 12, at Noon.