February 9, 2012, Thursday - Dog Day at the Dome
Time: 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: The Metrodome (Enter the dome at Gate B)
Admission $5.00
◦It's $5.00 per dog / owner combo (up to 2 dogs).
◦If there are two people and one dog then the trio gets in for $5 as well.
◦However if there are 2 people and 2 dogs then each pair pays $5.00.
•Parking is free at the Metrodome parking lot and entrance is accessible at 5th Street and 11th Avenue.
•Plus, you get a free botle of water upon admission along with all sorts of goodies from vendors.
Cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer and water for the dogs will be provided.
Vendors and pet licensing will also be available during Dog Days.
Next date: Tuesday, February 28, from 5p to 9p