February 18, 2012, Saturday - Dying to Make It Rock Opera at Southern Theater
Two Shows:
Friday, February 17 8:00pm
Saturday, February 18 7:00pm
Location: The Southern Theater, 1420 Washington Avenue South
Dying to Make It - A Rock Opera Written and Performed by Apocalypse USO
A two-year labor of love among a group of veteran independent Twin Cities musicians will culminate in the debut performance of “Dying to Make It,” an indy rock opera.
Dying to Make It is the story of Paul, a youn gocker who dies ina post-gig motorcycle crash. Not aware of his situation, Paul wakes up in Purgatory, which to him looks just like the real world, but is populated only by other lost souls. The souls are subject to influences both good and evil. The underlying secret is that the choices Paul makes in this world will decide his ultimate destination.
Dying to Make It is the Story of Paul's Journey.