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February 16, 2017, Thursday - East Town Business Partnership Forum at Open Book

Time: 11:30am to 1:00pm

Location: Open Book, 1011 Washington Avenue S

The next East Town Business Partnership Forum is scheduled for Thursday, February 16, 2017, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at Open Book - 1011 Washington Avenue South.  The title for this month's forum is, “Placemaking, Downtown Improvement District, and Tactical Urbanism.”

“Placemaking, Downtown Improvement District, and Tactical Urbanism.”

“Placemaking” is a term that gets tossed around a lot in urban centers and for good reason! This is the practice of programming public spaces such that they are highly desirable and that people actively seek them out in the rhythms of their day. There is a science and art to placemaking, though and emerging trends continue to inform the discipline.

At this business forum Max Musicant, Principle of The Musicant Group, and Ben Shardlow, Director of Urban Design for the Minneapolis Downtown Council-Downtown Improvement District will discuss best practices and the economic value of activating common areas and public spaces including “Tactical Urbanism,” the art of deploying design solutions for safety concerns.

Featured Speakers:

Max Musicant and the Musicant Group

The Musicant Group is an interdisciplinary placemaking and public space management firm that creates places where people want to be. We partner with community and commercial clients to create from scratch or transform existing underutilized public and common area spaces into active places that people seek-out and use every day.

Ben Shardlow, Director of Urban Design, Minneapolis Downtown Council-Downtown Improvement District

Ben is the staff lead for the MDC 2025 Greening & Public Realm Committee, and an active participant in other committee work relating to public space improvements downtown. He identifies opportunities for 2025 Plan initiatives to be advanced through active public and private investments, and directs special public space improvement projects for MDC/MDID.

Development Spotlight

The Armory Event Center Redevelopment presented by Nancy Aleksuk from Swervo Development.

•11:30-Noon         Networking
•12:00-12:15pm   Welcome, Introductions, Membership Update, and Announcements (Paul Mellblom and Dan Collison)
•12:15-12:25pm   Development Spotlight: The Armory Event Center Redevelopment (Nancy Aleksuk)
•12:25-12:55pm   Feature Presentations with Questions and Answer
•12:55-01:00pm   Closing Announcements (Paul Mellblom)

Registration and networking start at 11:30 a.m., with the program starting at Noon.  You must register and pay in advance for this business forum.  The cost to attend this month's business forum is $20.  Please note, no cash payments will be taken on the day of the event.  The registration deadline is Monday, February 13, 2017, at Noon.  Please RSVP via Eventbrite

* If you paid for lunch tickets with your membership, please contact ETBP Executive Coordinator for the coupon code for Eventbrite.