Times: December 20 – 22, 7:30 – 10 pm (doors open on 7 pm)
Location: The Minnesota Opera Center, 620 N 1st Steet
17th Annual Winter Solstice Blessing: Drumming the Soul Awake
You'll be inside the thunder of 100+ drummers (and be one of them, because everyone drums - bring your own, or borrow one from the "Great Mound 'O Wahoo.")
You'll open your ancient connection to the Great Mystery as you hear the chorus of singers chant shamanic songs inspired by Celtic and Nordic tradition, and powerful mythic stories that teach us how to reconnect with our soul power in these confusing times.
The evening culminates in a ceremony in which the "Antlered One" - an embodiment of the divine feminine and powers of the earth, comes to give you a blessing of life force at this, the darkest time. Dancing and ecstasy are encouraged (but not required).
You are absolutely free to enter the experience in any way that is meaningful to you. You don't have to believe anything or do anything that is not authentic to you. You are free to see it as a theatrical performance, as a sacred ceremony, as surreal dance-spoken-word-art, as worship, or as a lucid dream. Wahoo, indeed.
The performance space is wheelchair accessible. Some free parking across the street in the Minnesota Opera parking lot (the far east side of the giant parking lot across the street - look for signs that say MN Opera staff parking). Parking also of parking on the street.