August 29, 2017, Tuesday - Ecological System Plan Community Advisory Committee Meeting at MPRB
Time: 4:306m-6:00pm
Location: Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, 2117 West River Road
The next Ecological System Plan Community Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting is scheduled Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017, at Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board headquarters, 2117 West River Road.
At the meeting, the CAC will determine dates, locations and formats of plan-specific public involvement events, including partnership opportunities with local organizations relating to plan themes (water, air, land, life) and topics (air quality issues, carbon sequestration, urban heat island effect, stormwater runoff, habitat connectivity, habitat quality and biodiversity, and sustainable energy generation). A status update and timeline of next steps regarding plan development will be provided.
Topic: Discuss first plan-specific public involvement event and collaboration with local organizations related to plan themes and topics.
What is the Ecological Systems Plan?
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) and the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) are preparing the first-ever Ecological System Plan. This plan will set a vision for making parks and public lands more friendly to the environment.
The Ecological System Plan will seek to first understand the ecology of the city and watershed, then plan for parks and public lands management and improvements that benefit both humans and nature.
It will address specific threats such as climate change, decreasing water quality, explosion of invasive species, increasing runoff, and fragmentation of habitat. It will envision a more environmentally sound way of managing the impacts of the city, so that the city can be cleaner, greener, cooler, and more efficient.
To learn more about this project and others, visit