April 23, 2013, Tuesday - Poetry Reading: Matt Mauch and M. Bartley Seigel at The Loft
Tme: 7:00pm
Location: The Loft, Performance Hall, 1011 Washington Avenue South
Poetry Reading: Matt Mauch and M. Bartley Seigel
Join us for a poetry reading with local poetry hero Matt Mauch and PANK Magazine founding editor M. Bartley Seigel.
Matt Mauch is the author of If You’re Lucky Is a Theory of Mine, Prayer Book, and the chapbook The Brilliance of the Sparrow. He hosts the annual Great Twin Cities Poetry Read, and also the Maeve’s Sessions readings, and edits the anthology Poetry City, USA, an annual collection of poetry and prose on poetry. Mauch teaches creative writing at Normandale Community College, and lives in Minneapolis.
M. Bartley Seigel is the co-editor of PANK Magazine and Tiny Hardcore Press. He is the author of the poetry collection This Is What They Say, published by Typecast Publishing in 2012. His writing has appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review, H_NGM_N, Forklift Ohio, DIAGRAM, and elsewhere. He lives, writes, and teaches in Houghton, Michigan, where he is an assistant professor of creative writing and diverse literatures at Michigan Technological University.