Update 9 - Getting Whipped into Shape (?)

Andrea reminded me that I haven't been posting weekly updates. I knew I missed a few weeks, but upon review I see the last one was January 2. Ooops.
Well, that's not because I've been busy losing weight. I've been busy not breaking the sweets habit. It's disheartening to fess up to the lack of self control that stunts my progress.
Thankfully the exercise has remained on track and the diet is balanced at the office M-F. Since the 'no eating at night' game plan didn't pan out, a new change I'm trying is to kick the gum habit while at the office. It got out of hand to the point where I was chewing 4-6 piece an hour, and my teeth and jaw were sore. That's been working out okay for the past week, and saving me 130-160 calories per day.
I guess it's just a matter of continuing to try new strategies until something clicks.
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