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Entries by Kim Eslinger (4183)


Register for the April 22 Earth Day Bee Run/Walk/River Cleanup by Tomorrow, April 21!

Please help save our bees! Join Great River Coalition’s Earth Day Bee Run, Walk & River Clean Up at Boom Island Park, 729 Sibley Street NE.

- Designed T shirts with each paid entry, prizes, coffee, water, food, nuts, bananas
- Chance to win 4 MInnesota Vikings tickets,  US Bank Stadium, premium seats, Flat Screen TV,
- Booths, DJ, professional photographer, kids race, dog friendly, gorgeous run, walk 



Steve Cramer Announces Retirement From mpls downtown council and Mpls DID

Via an April 19 e-announcement

The mpls downtown council (mdc) and Mpls Downtown Improvement District (DID) announced today that Steve Cramer, president and CEO, will be retiring from the organization in December.

Steve CramerSteve Cramer has been a long-time champion and advocate for our city and community. He joined the organization in 2013 and has since led many important initiatives for downtown. He will wrap up his work later this year, but until then continues to remain focused on downtown’s next season.

Cramer has been a steady force behind many development and public realm projects, expanded community partnership to improve downtown conditions, advocated for common sense business regulations, and provided visible leadership over the challenging past few years.

“I have enjoyed working with Steve during my time on the mdc-DID board of directors. He has brought clear direction and focus to our collective work for downtown during an unprecedented season. Prior to that he helped our downtown reach new heights and levels of momentum,” said Karin Lucas, board chair of the mpls downtown council and Downtown Improvement District. “Steve has grown and positioned the organization for the future. We will certainly miss his leadership and wish him well in retirement.”

 “My bet is on downtown Minneapolis!” - Steve Cramer

During Cramer’s tenure, the organization along with roughly 450 members, hundreds of stakeholders, and ratepayers, have played a key role in advocating for downtown, ensuring downtown continues to thrive and maintain its trajectory of attracting new businesses, employees, residents, and investment. There are now 56,748 downtown residents within downtown’s five neighborhoods. More than 8.5 million patrons attended events last year downtown. All while providing a consistent presence within the 120-block district to keep downtown greener, cleaner, and safer.

“It’s been a privilege and pleasure to lead the mdc-DID, working with a talented and dedicated staff, hundreds of committed board members, and community leaders. This organization has charted the course forward for downtown over many decades, and that work will continue for the duration of my tenure and long into the future. I’m confident the path we are on will lead to renewed vibrancy after the historic disruptions of the last three years,” said Steve Cramer, president and ceo. “My bet is on downtown Minneapolis!”

Cramer’s impact on the downtown community will be marked by many contributions. Namely his work and dedication to improving downtown for business and community alike.

Cramer participated in the development of major public realm and infrastructure projects to enhance our downtown:

  • The Commons Park
  • A re-designed Nicollet
  • Peavey Plaza renovation
  • Hennepin Avenue reconstruction 

Cramer expanded community partnerships to improve social and security conditions downtown:

  • Expanded privately supported outreach programs
  • Added two embedded social workers focusing on downtown
  • Launched the community storage program

Cramer advocated for common sense strategies to support our downtown:

  • Business regulations
  • Transportation infrastructure and funding
  • Developments from affordable and luxury housing to new office buildings
  • Public safety policies focused on a both/and approach

Cramer provided visible leadership for downtown stakeholders throughout the Covid pandemic and civil unrest.


Summit Academy's Northside STEM District to Host Minneapolis Students and Families May 6 at Target Plaza for Free Family Event

More than 1,000 K-8th grade students are expected to converge on Target Plaza Saturday, May 6, to explore the world of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

Volunteers from more than 20 Twin Cities STEM companies will guide students with hands-on activities and experiments as they uncover the wonders of STEM. Participants will:

  • Code robots!
  • Launch rockets!
  • Fly drones!

A free shuttle will pick up participants at Summit Academy at 935 Olson Memorial Highway in Minneapolis and drop them off at the event, which will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Target Plaza Commons, 1001 Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis.

It is the vision of Northside STEM District to build a strong, diverse pipeline of STEM leaders and innovators within the North Minneapolis ecosystem where every student has an equitable opportunity to participate and thrive as contributing citizens within their communities.

Summit Academy OIC is an accredited, nonprofit Career and Technical Education (CTE) Institute located in North Minneapolis. Summit offers specializations and industry certifications for in-demand careers in Information Technology (IT), Construction, and Medical Administrative Assistant, delivering academic rigor alongside marketable skills and connections to employers. Our mission is to empower individuals to develop their ability to earn and become contributing citizens in their communities and economic drivers of the State of Minnesota. 


Father Hennepin Bluff Park Improvements Project Nears Completion

New restrooms open in May, fencing scheduled to come down in June, concerts return in July

A major renovation of Father Hennepin Bluff Park is nearly complete. The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board would like to thank everyone for their patience while park access and use were limited since construction started last April.

The new restroom building next to the Stone Arch Bridge is expected to open in May. The construction fence around the park will remain in place throughout spring to allow areas that were seeded last fall to establish. Turf condition will be a major factor in determining when the park can fully reopen, hopefully by June. Please stay off these areas and respect signage and fencing!

Free concerts offered through Minneapolis Music in the Parks are scheduled to debut at the new stage in July. Stay tuned for more details.

Project Details

This Father Hennepin Bluff Park Improvements project includes:

  • A new performance stage with seasonal restrooms
  • New park entry plaza spaces
  • Upgraded lights, path connections, wayfinding signage and trail markings
  • Landscape and stormwater management improvements

The improvements are focused on the upper part of the park, not the lower paths closer to the Mississippi River.



Severe Weather Awareness Week is Coming; Expect Sirens April 20

April 17-21 is Severe Weather Awareness Week, when households and businesses are encouraged to practice what they’d do to stay safe if a tornado or severe weather strikes.

Expect sirens April 20

Thursday, April 20, is Tornado Drill Day. Sirens throughout the state will sound at 1:45 p.m. and at 6:45 p.m., giving people time to practice taking shelter in severe weather both at home and in the workplace. According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota experiences an average of nearly 30 tornadoes per year.


An electronic weather alert service can make you aware of any imminent weather danger with email or text notices. Check the Minnesota Department of Public Safety website for options for wireless emergency alerts and smartphone apps.

There is specific information for people with disabilities or access or functional needs about how to prepare for storm season and other emergencies.

If severe weather is approaching:

  • Turn to local TV or radio or the weather channel, or make sure you have alerts enabled on a smart device or a weather radio programmed to pick up alerts inside. Weather sirens aren’t intended to be heard inside. If a warning is issued, go to the basement or an inner stairwell.
  • If you’re outside and hear the weather sirens, go inside immediately and take shelter in an inner space away from windows. Don’t use elevators.
  • Stay sheltered until the all-clear signal has been issued.

More about staying safe during severe weather

Find emergency preparedness information on the City website.


Get a Behind-the-Scenes Look at HERC During Doors Open Minneapolis

Saturday, May 13 from 10a to 5p (open Saturday only)

The Hennepin Energy Recovery Center (HERC) is one of the locations participating in the 2023 Doors Open Minneapolis event. It operates 24/7 to convert Minneapolis’ trash into energy, which provides electricity to 25,000 homes and heat to Target Field and downtown buildings.

Learn how HERC works and discover actions you can take to reduce waste. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the facility and the waste-to-energy process. Closed-toe shoes are required (no sandals) to participate in the portion of the tour to see the waste pit and claw that feeds trash into the furnace.

More information about Doors Open.


29th Annual Minneapolis Earth Day Cleanup Will be Hosted at 40+ Park Locations on April 22

Join the Minneapolis Earth Day Cleanup on Saturday, April 22! Drop in anytime between 9:30am and 12pm at any of 40+ park locations throughout Minneapolis and help clean up our beautiful city.

The Earth Day Cleanup has become the largest community service project in Minneapolis over the last 29 years. Since 2008, more than 23,000 people have removed more than 165,000 pounds of garbage.

It’s free to participate, no registration needed, just choose a site from our list and show up. We will provide bags and gloves, you help pick up junk that accumulated over the winter, and our partner City of Minneapolis Solid Waste and Recycling will process the collected bags. 

You can also get into the spirit by participating in the annual Earth Day 5K Bee Run/Walk at Boom Island Park! The event features a family- and dog-friendly fun run/walk (bee costumes encouraged!), river cleanup and Earth Day festivities.

Find a detailed list of clean-up sites and more information at, or view the flyer below:


“How to Become an American” Book Talk with Daniel Wolff at Mill City Museum

Wolff will discuss themes and topics from his latest non-fiction book

Thursday, April 27, 6:30–8:00 pm

The themes of history, immigration, and loneliness will be part of a discussion presented by Mill City Museum and The Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest. Author Daniel Wolff will host a book talk around his non-fiction book How to Become an American which examines immigration into the United States.

How to Become an American features one anonymous family of Jewish immigrants and their journey which led them to Minneapolis in the early 20th century. Attendees will hear real stories of the city’s Jewish community, and the challenges it faced during the time period. These stories are deeply personal, yet reflective of America as a whole.

Museum guests can join Wolff for this free lecture at 7 pm on April 27. Doors open at 6:30 pm. He invites the audience to contemplate the hurdles immigrants face in America and the experiences of their own families. Kate Dietrick, archivist of the Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives, will moderate the discussion.

This is a free event.


Great River Coalition Shares Tips on How to Have a Positive Impact on Pollinators



Summer at Peavey Plaza Corporate Sponsorship Opportunity 2023

Green Minneapolis is excited to announce their second year of presenting free performing arts events, Summer at Peavey Plaza! A five month series of over 100 diverse events, from live music to dance performances, including their new artist in residence, Kawai-endorsed touring pianist and vocalist Phil Thompson.

From May through September, Peavey Plaza will be the place to go Downtown for free music, dance and theater performances. Join them every Wednesday and Thursday lunch hour for performances by MNspin artists and every Saturday morning for Music in Motion with the Children’s Theatre Company, perfect for families with children. And don’t miss the Peavey Plaza Piano Bar brought to you by Phil Thompson every Tuesday afternoon, along with his Tribute Concerts every last Thursday of the month.

Call for Sponsors!

As a sponsor of this program your brand will be thanked prominently with the 10,000+ expected summer attendees for the 2023 season in addition to placements across print and social media campaigns. Promoting partners include mpls Downtown Council, Meet Minneapolis, City of Minneapolis and local tv, radio and print communications. 

Sponsorship Levels:

$1,000 Friend Sponsor
● Company name listed on Green Minneapolis website and program
$2,500 Partner Sponsor
● Company name listed on Green Minneapolis website and program
● Recognition as partner at every event
$5,000 Lead Sponsor
● Company name listed on Green Minneapolis website and program
● Recognition as partner at every event
● Logo placement on event signage and press communications 

My Very Own Bed Announces the 3rd Annual Steps for Sleep Event, April 29

 Walk & Wellness Fundraising Event on April 29th


For the third consecutive year, Minneapolis nonprofit My Very Own Bed will host its annual Steps for Sleep – a walk and wellness fundraising event highlighting the connection between physical activity and healthy sleep while raising awareness and funds for its work providing new beds and Dream Kits to kids.

Members of the public are invited to:

  • Walk 1.5 miles around Boom Island on April 29th at 9:30 a.m., starting at DeLaSalle High School.

  • Or walk anywhere, April 22–29.

  • Explore the Wellness Fair whether walking in-person or anywhere. Learn about healthy sleep, fitness, healing, nutrition, and more!

  • Donate to support 1600 kids in the community with new beds this year.

  • Start their own fundraiser to support kids’ healthy sleep.

Since its founding in 2014, My Very Own Bed has had one goal: to provide new beds and Dream Kits (bedding, books, and stuffed animals) to children moving into stable housing.

While working in social services, founder Michael Allen saw beds as a great need as he helped families move out of shelters and into homes. What struck him most was seeing children sleeping on the floor because a bed was out of reach for many families.

With support from a broad base of sponsors, volunteers, donors, and referral partners (social service organizations that connect My Very Own Bed with families), My Very Own Bed has grown to impact more kids and their families each year. In 2022 alone, My Very Own Bed provided 1637 beds to kids in 684 families.

The impact of receiving a new bed is immediate for a child and their family. Improving where and how children sleep improves their overall health and well-being, performance in school, behavior at home, physical health, and much more.

Register or donate at


Minneapolis Convention Center 2023 Q2 Event Calendar

It's wonderful to see Downtown continually coming back to life. One example is the growing list of events scheduled for the Minneapolis Convention Center. The facility hosts numerous meetings, conventions and trade shows, helping to support the hospitality industry in the Minneapolis community.

Highlights of the Q2 event calendar include several shows open to the public, including the Twin Cities Auto Show, GeekCraft Expo, the People of Color Career Fair, MagicCon Minneapolis, Oddities & Curiosities Expo, Minnesota Con and the USA Volleyball Girls Junior National Championships. Here's the current Q2 list:





2023 MacPhail Spotlight Series Final Performance, April 22: The Space Where Words Fail 

The Space Where Words Fail

The MacPhail Spotlight Series: Musical Explorations in Spectral Colors comes to a spell bounding, collaborative crescendo as Twin Cities photographer

Asha Belk creates a visual landscape to join the eclectic sounds of MacPhail’s EMRA (Electronic Music and Recording Arts) Faculty. With Belk’s highly narrative photographic style, she will curate a selection of relevant photographs from the Twin Cities and beyond, that speak to the essence of family, individuals, and her passion as a social worker.

MacPhail’s EMRA faculty, led by Grammy nominated pianist Michael Cain, and joined by Isaac Rohr, Kenichi ‘DJ Just Nine’ Thomas, and Barbara Cohen will feature a wide variety of musical pieces featuring voice, keys, and electronic music of all sorts.

Belk had this to say about bringing her work to the stage at MacPhail, “This a selection of work I’ve done over the past ten years and I’m excited to see it coexist with the power of music! This curation of photos is about celebrating and authentically capturing Black Culture and showcasing those beautiful spaces that we create. I want the audience to leave with a greater sense of humanity and to bring them into someone else’s world. The title of this performance is ‘The Space Where Words Fail’ because I want the art to speak for itself."

The Space Where Words Fail will take place on Saturday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m. in MacPhail’s Antonello Hall. Tickets are available for purchase here.


Be The Change MN to Present the Follow Your Dreams College & Career Fair at Orchestra Hall, April 26

Wednesday, April 26, 9AM - 3PM at Orchestra Hall 

Be The Change MN presents the Follow Your Dreams College & Career Fair (FYD), a day-long event with a mission of providing education and employment equity to 10th, 11th and 12th grade students in the Minneapolis Public School District. 

FYD offers a wide range of opportunities including exhibitor booths, aspirational speakers, job opportunities & internships, breakout sessions, career path guidance, financial aid assistance and great giveaways throughout the day. All students will be provided bus transportation and lunch at the event. 

Some of the highlights of FYD are: keynote speaker, Donyea Cooley-White (Senior VP at Mojang Studios Minecraft, previously Xbox Live), Dream Boarding with Jasmine Brett-Stringer (WCCO), Dress to Impress with Keith Dorsett (Heimie’s Haberdashery), Social Media Best Practices with Joelle Allen (Interaction Traction) and Simplify the Resume with Ellen Walthour (Cufflink).

Be The Change MN founder John Baker is excited to bring to life his vision of offering underserved, immigrant and first generation college students a welcoming, engaging and one-stop shop for post-secondary options. “When we talk about ‘being the change’ in our communities, it’s about community philanthropy; leveraging volunteers, young people, professionals and family donors, businesses and corporations to all connect to support real people who truly need it.”

The event offers a myriad of ways for Twin Cities corporations, educational institutions, local businesses & non-profit organizations to participate:

- Join as a booth sponsor and interact with enthusiastic students at the start of their career path

- Fund cool and fun essential event elements like the Dream Boarding creation station, Lunch & Learn Sessions, the Social Media Photo Booth or hourly giveaways (AirPods, Swag Bags, etc)

- Recruit students for summer jobs and internships

- Contribute to the Friends of Be The Change MN Scholarship Fund



Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Launches "Our Parks, Our Stories" Initiative to Commemorate 140th year

New storytelling initiative will build community archive full of park stories over the next year

April 4th marked the 140th anniversary of the Minneapolis Park Board. To commemorate, they launched a new storytelling initiative and year-long project called 140 Years: Our Parks, Our Stories.

They are collecting personal stories of Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) staff, park users, and community members from across Minneapolis parks to build a community archive. Everyone is encouraged to share their story of a memory, person, place, event, or experience to help us shape the next chapter and legacy of the MPRB.

Share Your Story

  • Submit your story using an online form
  • Email a story and related photographs to You can also email that account to ask for additional translation services. 
  • Participate in upcoming storytelling programs this summer. More information coming soon on those events.

Submitted stories will be archived and may be featured on MPRB social media with your consent.

Featured Stories

The MPRB will periodically publish stories from its own staff and archives in addition to stories collected from community. The first two stories feature Reggie Jarrett, a MPRB parkkeeper for the last 30 years who has special connection to Farview Park; and Alice Dietz, an early recreation professional who oversaw a vast expansion in recreation opportunities in Minneapolis parks during her 40-year career spanning 1916-1957.


Apply for a City Boards and Commissions Opening - Advise City Leaders on Topics Important to You

The City of Minneapolis boards and commissions have openings for appointments this spring. The City seeks applicants with a diverse backgrounds and experiences representing the demographics of Minneapolis to strengthen the work of the City. City boards and commissions offer a direct way for residents to advise City leadership about topics important to them. Translation and interpreting is available so all residents can participate.

Applications will be accepted through April 30.

The following City boards and commissions seek applicants:

  • Bicycle Advisory Committee
  • Charter Commission
  • Minneapolis Workforce Development Board
  • Pedestrian Advisory Committee
  • Southside Green Zone Council

The City has more than 50 volunteer-based boards, commissions and advisory committees that help shape key policy decisions, represent their community in the City’s administration of services and supply valuable insights. Appointments to boards and commissions are made twice a year, in the spring and fall.

Potential applicants can find more info on the website, call 612-673-2216 or email


MCAD Announces Artist List for 10th Annual Art Auction

Annual Art Auction Benefits Students Scholarships

As one of the creative pillars in the Twin Cities, Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) hosts an annual art auction to raise funds for students in need of financial support. Every year the event showcases established artists from across the country, who donate their artwork, and gives attendees the chance to add paintings, photographs, sculptures, or ceramics to their own personal art collection. Because of the generosity of past Auction attendees, hundreds of students have received scholarships, ensuring that young creatives, artists, and designers have access to a college education. With more than 97% of MCAD scholars receiving some form of aid, this event is critical to ensuring that students from all backgrounds are financially supported as they pursue their degrees.

Event Details:

Date: Friday, May 19, 2023
Location: MCAD Main Gallery, 2501 Stevens Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN 55404
Time: (VIP Preview Reception 6:00pm) 7:00–9:30pm
Tickets start at $150
All proceeds go to the MCAD Scholarship Fund.

Starting prices for artwork range from $480 to $9,600.

More infor, artist list and tickets:

Sample pieces:

Clarence Holbrook Carter: Mining,1952, Painting, 19” x 17”

Jenny Monick: Peregrine, 2020, Oil on linen, 14” x 11"

CL Martin: El, 2022, Charcoal, pencil, acrylic on paper, 21” x 27”


"In the Company of Grace: A Veterinarian's Memoir of Trauma and Healing" Book Launch, April 13 at Open Book

Launch of Jody Lulich's debut memoir, In the Company of Grace: A Veterinarian's Memoir of Trauma and Healing, Thursday, April 13, 7:00p, Open Book Performance Hall

In the Company of Grace is Jody Lulich’s moving memoir about finding courage in compassion and strength in healing—and power in finally confronting the darkness of his youth to become a world-renowned veterinarian. He explains his path to veterinary medicine and how caring for helpless, voiceless animals amidst his own shame and pain provided a lifeline, and a chance to heal himself as well.

Dr. Lulich will give a short presentation along with a reading from the book with fellow reader Rose Klass, followed by a moderated conversation with Dr. Lindsay Merkel.

Book signing will follow, and books will be available for purchase at the event through Magers & Quinn.


Minneapolis Invites Travelers to “See What All the Fuss Is About”

Meet Minneapolis launches a new tourism campaign to boldly (re)introduce the city and entice visitors by challenging existing perceptions

Perhaps you’ve heard or read somewhere that Minneapolis is “a ghost town” or that “it’s overrun.” Either way, there has been a lot of fussing about Minneapolis. Starting today, Meet Minneapolis invites travelers to “See What All the Fuss Is About” through its new tourism campaign.

Meet Minneapolis, in partnership with the Minneapolis-based agency Periscope, is setting out to address those misperceptions head-on with a tourism campaign to reclaim the city’s narrative through “See What All the Fuss Is About.” Minneapolis natives embrace the diverse variety of world-class experiences people can have in the state’s largest city. However, negative perceptions have overshadowed the abundance of positive experiences visitors can enjoy.

The result is a campaign designed to boldly and confidently tell the city’s story to people who used to travel to Minneapolis often – as well as those who are new to the destination – by highlighting the remarkable things that the city has to offer.

“People are talking about Minneapolis. Some of them have it wrong, but they are talking,” said Melvin Tennant, president and CEO of Meet Minneapolis. “This campaign will invite those people to re-experience Minneapolis by authentically telling the city’s story as a place that has evolved over the past several years and continues to be a buzzing hub of culture, cuisine, and natural beauty. We’re excited to welcome new and returning visitors to come see what all the fuss is about in Minneapolis.”

The “See What All the Fuss Is About” tagline will be accompanied by print, broadcast and digital advertising, billboards along highways, a dedicated web presence, and a social media influencer program. The campaign will utilize a blend of highly visual and engaging tactics to reach various audiences and turn the dial on their perceptions of Minneapolis. This year’s media spend will be approximately $500,000.

“Minneapolis is a world-class destination at the forefront of creating change. People from all over the world have put down roots in Minneapolis, contributing to an active, dynamic, and diverse culture that has something for everyone,” said Courtney S. Ries, SVP of Destination Branding and Strategy at Meet Minneapolis.

“This campaign will highlight the city’s award-winning food and beverage scene, premier arts programming, world-class museums, elite performance venues, unique independent businesses, glorious park system, numerous options for sports fans and exciting public art,” said Ries. “We invite both new and returning visitors to celebrate and savor these offerings by exploring Minneapolis events, businesses, and attractions throughout the year.”


Doors Open Minneapolis Returns May 13-14, Volunteers Needed

Doors Open Minneapolis provides a unique chance to explore the buildings that tell a city’s story. From theaters to business hubs, sacred spaces to private clubs, sports complexes to engineering wonders, historical gems to not-even-open-yet buildings, Doors Open Minneapolis offers participants a FREE behind-the-scenes look at over 100 exciting venues. Building owners and caretakers will provide unique perspectives that illustrate why these venues, people, and businesses, are central to Minneapolis’ identity.

Venues will include The Dayton’s Project, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Peavey Plaza, Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam, Xcel Energy Nicollet Island Power Plant, and so many more special places.

Doors Open Minneapolis invites the public to explore venues that show off the historical, architectural, and cultural elements that make up our amazing city. Sign up to volunteer and receive a VIP pass to skip the lines and get a behind-the-scenes look at buildings you’ve been dying to explore! You can view and register for volunteer opportunities at this link

  • Volunteer shifts are four hours long (9:30 – 1:30 & 1:30 – 5:30). You are allowed to sign up for more than one shift, and you’re encouraged to sign up with a friend!
  • You will receive a free Doors Open t-shirt and a “first priority” sticker that allows you to skip lines to visit other venues during the event!
  • You will be required to attend a 90-minute training to prep you for volunteering at Doors Open Minneapolis. There will be five different opportunities to attend this training.

You can sign up now at this Hands-On Twin Cities link. Once you’ve signed up for a volunteer slot, please register for one volunteer training at this Rethos link.

For a list and description of some available venues to volunteer at, check out the Venues 2023 webpage on the Doors Open Minneapolis website. Rethos is still rounding up venues, so more will join this list soon! Some venues have limited accessibility, so be sure to check the volunteer description on the HandsOn Twin Cities website for the venue you’re interested in.

If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Fischer at