May 27 at the Mill City Farmers Market

New items in this weeks Mill City Farmers Market shopping basket: Tomatoes from GVY, brioche from Baker's Field, Herbal Foot Soak from Spoon and Theory Handmade, radishes from Clover Bee Farm, cheese curds from Cosmic Wheel Creamery, chocolate chip cookies from Blackberry Bakery, and Hazelnut Snackers from American Hazelnut Company (they're a yummy snack on their own, but also great on a salad or mixed with popcorn).
There was one new vendor at the Market this week, and that was Minneapolis Mehndi & Henna. Fortunately for them (but not me) they were so busy with customers that I didn't get to meet them in person. They are scheduled to return to the MCFM on July 1, so better luck then!
Mill City Cooks welcomed Guest Chef Sina Pleggenkuhle, who made Cambodian hot pot (Yao Hon). The beautiful sauce simmers for hours, and you can customize individual servings with veg, noodles, etc.
A little kiddo enjoying a Saint Pops ice pop - they really hit the spot on a sunny morning at the Market.
It's not possible to capture just how long the line for Solomon’s Bakery gets every Saturday (except by drone, I guess). In this photo you can only see the people backed up to the Guthrie side wall - what you don't see is the line snaking around to the front of the building and down along to its front entry!
I loved this little girls dress - so appropriate for the Market! :)
Arugula is my favorite green, and Burning River Farm is my go-to source for it.
See more photos from the May 27th Mill City Farmers Market here (once there, you can drill down further by clicking on "Back to albums list" and then "Photostream" to view more).