zAmya Theater Project Announces Neighbors Being Neighbors In the North Loop

zAmya Theater Project has announced a theater-based community project, Neighbors Beings Neighbors in the North Loop. Community partners include North Loop Neighborhood Association and Avivo.
The North Loop is a unique neighborhood, home to both upscale condos and rentals and high-income residents, and several organizations sheltering low-income residents in need of housing. In light of recent conflict over a homeless encampment in North Loop, this project seeks to establish a shared vision for what needs to happen for all community members to feel safe, have shelter, and ensure support for the most vulnerable.
The project kicked off last month with a jointly hosted performance of zAmya’s play, Second Chance, at the Target Field Station Amphitheater. With the performance as a springboard for conversation, community members are invited to three “listening sessions” this fall. The interactive workshops will promote deep dialogue and listening between North Loop residents, housed and homeless. The conversations will inform the development of a new play about the North Loop, and shared back to the community in a play reading next February.
Second Chance performed at the Target Field Station Amphitheater in August. Photo: Bruce Silcox
Avivo Village in the North Loop Photo: Avivo Village
Emily Bastian, Vice President of Avivo, says, "We hope to find a way for people with lived experience of homelessness and housed neighbors to see each other as peers with equal strength, investment, and knowledge, and recognize each other's humanity. I want them to have dialogue and take creative action.”