What You Need to Know About the June 10 Community Connections Conference

Minneapolis residents can sign up now for the free 2023 Community Connections Conference on June 10. This year's theme, "Minneapolis in motion," welcomes all communities to explore how Minneapolis is growing, moving and changing, including through the City’s 2023-2024 priorities. The conference will run together with the 2023 Green Zone Summit for environmental justice.
The Community Connections Conference is a free annual event for residents, community groups, neighborhood organizations and local government to build relationships, learn together and create a better Minneapolis.
The 2023 conference will feature:
- Workshops and other breakout sessions in multiple languages. The subjects include renters’ rights, responsible development and worker well-being, creative expression and emotional release for incarcerated people through the community-based organization FreeWriters, building relationships with youths in challenging environments, recycling and organics, climate action, and creating a plan for saving energy at home.
- An exhibit hall showcasing more than 100 organizations with fun, interactive activities for both kids and adults.
- Opportunities to learn about City policies, programs and services.
- Lunch provided by local food vendors.
- Performances by local artists.
Community Connections Conference and Green Zone Summit
9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, June 10
(Check-in starts and exhibit hall opens at 8 a.m.)
Minneapolis Convention Center, Hall A, Lower Level
Pre-registration is on the City website.
Call for breakout sessions, exhibits and volunteers
Community members can sign up by April 30 to lead a workshop, roundtable, panel or presentation.
Nonprofits and public institutions can apply for free exhibit space by April 30.
Volunteers can help spread the word about the conference, welcome guests, guide people to breakout sessions and keep lunch services running smoothly. Bilingual volunteers are especially helpful. The volunteer signup button is in the conference pre-registration form on the City website.
Register to attend the conference