Westbound I-94 ramp to Fifth Street closing May 18 through June 1

Via a May 11 e-newsletter from MnDOT:
I-94/Seventh Street Ramp: 2015-2016 Construction - Closure Details
You will be unable to access Fifth St. from westbound I-94 in Minneapolis beginning Wed, May 18 at 1 a.m., weather permitting. The ramp will remain closed through Mon, June 1.
If you are intending to access Fifth St. from westbound I-94, please follow the posted detour: northbound Cedar Ave, to westbound Washington Ave, to Fourth Ave.
The closure is needed while crews continue to reconstruct a new westbound I-94 bridge/ramp to Seventh St. in downtown Minneapolis.
The work is part of a larger project that includes realigning the existing westbound I-94 exit to Fifth St. by constructing a new section of ramp that will redirect traffic exiting westbound I-94 to Seventh St. instead of Fifth St.
Additional work includes installing a traffic signal system and making accessibility improvements for pedestrians at the intersection of Seventh St. and 13th Ave.
This project is a collaborative effort of the city of Minneapolis and the Minnesota Department of Transportation that will:
•Improve mobility and access to downtown Minneapolis from westbound I-94.
•Reduce congestion on downtown area streets.
•Improve pedestrian safety at Seventh St./13th Ave. intersection
For more information, visit: mndot.gov/metro/projects/i94minneapolis/.
For real-time travel information anywhere in Minnesota visit http://www.511mn.org/ or dial 5-1-1.