Waxing Crescent Moon Over Downtown East by Ric Rosow

Submitted by Ric Rosow
Not yet the full Super Moon, but close to it - a Waxing Crescent Moon photograph taken on the evening of August 28th, two days before the Full Super Blue Moon. A moon is named a Blue Moon when there are two full moons in one month.
Last night when the moon was low in the horizon clouds covered it up, but I waited to see if the sky would clear. Eventually it did rise above the cloud layer. Setting the shutter speed to 1/200 of a second to keep the moon sharp (it’s always moving) meant the foreground and sky were dark. I took another photograph of the scene exposed for the foreground. This photograph then is a blend of two images, one a proper exposure for the moon and another a proper exposure for the foreground. I’ll be back out again tonight for my final tune up before the hopefully clear skies on August 30th for the Super Blue Moon. On August 30th there is only 12 minutes between the sun setting and the moon rising. I might be able to get good detail in the moon and a proper exposure of the foreground with one shot if there are no clouds at the horizon. The sky will still be light enough to set the shutter speed at 1/200 of a second while at the same time setting the exposure so the foreground is revealed. If there is a layer of clouds at the horizon or fire dust low in the sky, it will again require a blend.
You can see more of my work at ricrosowphotography.com.