Washington Avenue Reconstruction Project Update

Via an August 11 Hennepin County e-newsletter:
Washington Avenue reconstruction project between Hennepin Avenue and Fifth Avenue South
Detour shifts to Portland Avenue starting early morning August 15
The starting point for the westbound detour of Washington Avenue will shift east to Portland Avenue starting early morning on Monday, August 15. This is being done to allow for crews to begin the county's reconstruction activities in this area.
The detour for motorists and bicyclists will follow Portland Avenue, Third Street South, Hennepin Avenue and then return to Washington Avenue. There is no detour for pedestrians or eastbound Washington Avenue, however eastbound will be reduced to two lanes through the work area.
This detour will be in place until the end of this year's construction activity, which is anticipated to be mid-November.
Map of work area and detour beginning Monday, August 15
Hennepin County, in coordination with the City of Minneapolis, is reconstructing Washington Avenue South (County Road 152) between Hennepin Avenue and Fifth Avenue South.
When complete, this section of Washington Avenue will have:
• One-way cycle tracks (protected bike lanes)
• More space and shortened crossing distances for pedestrians
• Enhanced streetscaping, including trees, plantings and benches
• Improved driving surfaces
• Dedicated turn lanes at key intersections
Project website
If you want additional background information or want to check on the project status throughout the course of the project, you can visit the project website: www.hennepin.us/washingtonavenue.
Project email
If you have a question during construction, send an email to the project at washingtonavenue@hennepin.us. The project email will be checked frequently during regular construction work hours.