Vote Early for State Primary August 7-13

Hennepin County voters place ballots directly into counting machines
Hennepin County eligible voters can directly place their ballots into a ballot counter when voting in person the week before the Minnesota primary.
Voting machines will record votes as they are turned in August 7-13, but will not report results until after polls close on election day, which is August 14.
Direct balloting provides many benefits to voters:
- Vote at a convenient time
- Have confidence that a ballot is immediately counted
- Verify ballot was properly filled out and accepted by the counting machine
- Avoid hassle of placing absentee ballots in series of envelopes
It also helps election officials by providing:
- Faster results reporting on election night
- Increased savings in time and materials to administer the election
In-person absentee voting is available now through August 13 at most city halls across Hennepin County and at the Early Vote Center in downtown Minneapolis at 217 S. Third Street. Each city location can accommodate voters who live in that particular city. Check available locations.
Voters who live anywhere in Hennepin County also may vote in person at the Hennepin County Government Center – 300 S. Sixth Street, Minneapolis – skyway level.
Hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Pre-primary extended hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, August 11, and until 5 p.m. Monday, August 13.
Find information about voting and elections in Hennepin County at
The public can contact Hennepin County Elections at 612-348-5151 or