Volunteers Needed to Serve on Community Advisory Committees

Via a March 24 Minneapolis Park and Rec Board e-newsletter:
Applications are now being accepted for open positions on multiple community advisory committees.
Those interested in volunteering can find more information and an application for each advisory committee below. Individuals should submit the application by the due date in order to be considered. Applications are also available by calling Customer Service at 612-230-6400.
Green Line Extension (Southwest LRT) Community Advisory Committees
This year the Southwest LRT Project Office is working with project partners, consultants, public artists and the community on Southwest LRTstation design, public art and landscaping plans. This work includes integrating public art into each station design and developing landscape designs for the Kenilworth Corridor between West Lake Station and Penn Station. The MPRB is to appoint community representatives to two committees:
Southwest LRT Station Art Committee
•Committee Charter [PDF] and Application [PDF] - Due April 3, 2015
Southwest LRT Kenilworth Station Art and Landscape Committee (KSALC)
•Committee Charter [PDF] and Application [PDF] - Due April 3, 2015
Appointment notifications will be made shortly after April 3.
Blue Line Extension (BLRT) Community Advisory Committee
The METRO Blue Line Extension (BLRT) Community Advisory Committee is to provide guidance to the BLRT Corridor Management Committee on community issues during the engineering and environmental phases of Southwest LRT project development. In addition, the committee will advise the Hennepin County Community Works Steering Committee for elements regarding station area planning, other infrastructure investments and elements that may be implemented post revenue service. The MPRB is to appoint one community representative to this committee:
BLRT Community Advisory Committee
•Committee Charter [PDF] and Application [PDF] - Due April 15, 2015
Appointment notifications will be made shortly after April 15.
MPRB Urban Agriculture Activity Plan, Project Implementation Team
The urban agriculture activity plan was developed through an extensive community engagement process and contains recommendations related to policy, facility, program, and service improvements to better support urban agriculture within the parks. The work of this team is to guide the plan’s implementation for many years ahead.
The MPRB is to appoint three Minneapolis residents to this team:
•Team Charter [PDF] and Application [PDF] - Due April 20, 2015
Appointment notifications will be made shortly after April 20.
Ginger Cannon, Planning Division
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
Office: 612-230-6413
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