[Video] Why the Lock at St. Anthony Falls is Closing - Rowers Attacked By Flying Asian Carp

A new video illustrating why the lock is closing - Washington University in St. Louis freshman men's crew team gets attacked by giant Asian Carp during a Friday morning practice at Creve Coeur Lake:
Reader Comments (1)
One needs to look at all factors involved in this video. Asian Carp are easily frightened by loud noises and the aluminum Jon boat with an outboard is an excellent transmitter of that sound. Now, why those in the support power boat were moving close to the rowers is a question that needs to be answered. Maybe it is part of an initiation rite bordering on dangerous hazing or they were newcomers to Creve Coeur Lake. Rowers and scullers should have no trouble, unless they are slapping the water with their oars. Good incentive for using proper technique!