Updates on Parkway Closures and Upcoming Outdoor and Virtual Programming in Minneapolis Parks

Via a May 1 e-announcement from the Minneapolis Park and Rec Board:
Parkway closures extended through May 6; commissioners will consider Superintendent’s recommendation to extend through June 7 at May 6 Board meeting.
Scheduled supervised play at designated tennis and basketball courts will begin after the Governor’s Stay at Home Order ends; slate of virtual programming begins rolling out next week.
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) continues to evaluate and adjust its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The health and safety of the communities served by Minneapolis parks remain the top priority in all decisions. Below is an update on initiatives the MPRB is working on to continue to provide recreation opportunities during the pandemic.
Parkways Closed to Motor Vehicles and Opened to Pedestrians
Currently the MPRB maintains 21 lane miles of parkways and roads closed to motor vehicles and opened to pedestrians to provide more space for trail users to stay six feet apart to limit the spread of COVID-19. A map of each closure is posted on the MPRB Road Closures page.
At its May 6, 2020 meeting, MPRB Commissioners will consider a resolution granting MPRB Superintendent Al Bangoura the spending authority needed to keep parkways closed to motor vehicles and open to pedestrians through Sunday, June 7.
The parkways were scheduled to reopen to motor vehicles on May 4, after the Governor’s first extension of the stay at home order ended. Superintendent Bangoura has received consent from commissioners representing areas where parkway closures are located to extend the closures through May 6, when the full board will consider the resolution to authorize Bangoura to extend them through June 7.
Programmed Access to Basketball and Tennis Courts
Basketball and tennis courts are currently closed following direction of the Stay at Home Order and recommendations from public health officials (see “Recreation Guidelines & FAQs” section on minneapolisparks.org/coronavirus). As soon as the Stay at Home order ends, which is scheduled Monday, May 18, the MPRB will provide scheduled times for walkup play by individuals and members of the same household at basketball and tennis courts in several parks. MPRB staff will be onsite to ensure social distancing.
“Our recreation program staff know the youth and people in our communities and we’re going to continue serving them as best we can,” said Superintendent Bangoura. “The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board has provided great experiences for more than 100 years and we’re not going to let our communities down. We’re working on excellent programming that will follow social distancing guidelines during this pandemic.”
The times and locations for programmed basketball and tennis access will be announced before the stay at home order ends. MPRB staff are also developing options for modified, social distanced programs and clinics at select soccer and ball fields.
Virtual Programming
Next week the MPRB will begin rolling out a slate of virtual programming available to anyone online. The new MPRB virtual program center will host all online opportunities, which will include an online Music in the Parks concert series, park history tours, gardening tips and tricks, and many more classes and programs.
Stay Informed
Visit minneapolisparks.org/coronavirus for more information about the MPRB’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and sign up to receive email updates at minneapolisparks.org/subscribe by selecting “COVID-19” in the “News Updates” section.