Upcoming Weekend Road Closure on Westbound I-94

Beginning 10:00pm Friday, September 8, westbound I-94 between I-394 and I-694 will close until 5:00am Monday, September 11. Motorists will be detoured to Hwy 169 to I-94/694.
The ramps leading to the closed parts of I-94 will start closing at 9:30 p.m. on Friday and the Lowry Hill Tunnel will be reduced to two lanes.
Ramp reopenings
• 49th Ave. to eastbound I-94 reopened to one lane (of three) last week. The plan is to fully reopen it tonight (9/6)
• Eastbound I-94 to Seventh St. is scheduled to reopen tonight (9/6)
• The ramp from eastbound I-94 to 53rd Ave. is scheduled to reopen Thursday night (9/7)
Other upcoming traffic impacts:
Ramp closures
• Eastbound I-94 to Fourth St. will close Thu, Sept. 7 for 10 days
• Eastbound I-94 to Broadway Ave. will close Fri, Sept. 8 for three days
• Eastbound I-94 to Dowling Ave. will close Mon, Sept. 11 for seven days
Weekend road closure
Eastbound I-94 from Shingle Creek Pkwy to I-394 will close Fri, Sept. 15 through Mon, Sept. 18 and again Fri, Sept. 22 through Mon, Sept. 25 for paving, weather permitting.
More about this project
Visit: mndot.gov/metro/projects/i94brooklyncntr/