Up to $6.1 Million Available for Housing and Development Projects

Via a January 19 e-newsletter from Hennepin County:
Up to $6.1 million in funding for housing and development available
Applications due Thursday, February 8
Up to $6.1 million is available to support housing and development projects through Hennepin County's annual coordinated request for proposals (RFP) for development funding.
To maximize county resources and make the application process more efficient, the county coordinates an annual RFP process for several development programs through its Community and Economic Development and Housing Development and Finance divisions and the Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA).
Programs included in this year's coordinated development RFP:
Affordable Housing Incentive Fund (AHIF) - $2.7 million
Capital financing to create or preserve long-term affordable housing units throughout Hennepin County for low-income households
HOME Investment Partnerships program (HOME) - $1.2 million
Flexible federal grant program administered by the county to fund a variety of affordable housing activities for very low- and low-income families or individuals, homeless families, and people with special needs
Transit Oriented Development program (TOD) - $2.2 million
Grants and loans for development projects that enhance transit use along Hennepin County transit corridors and routes
Reminder: Starting in 2018, all RFP applications must be submitted using the Hennepin County Supplier Portal. To learn more and register, visit the Supplier Portal information page.
Other development funding opportunities
Hennepin County offers a range of development programs to help build lasting value in local communities. Funding and grant programs for development are designed to encourage private investment that delivers public benefits, like:
- Creating or preserving affordable housing
- Growing employment opportunities
- Redeveloping underutilized property
- Improving environmental sustainability
- Growing the tax base
- Maximizing land use potential
- Supporting healthy lifestyles
Development programs support a variety of project types, including residential, commercial, industrial and mixed-use projects, and can be used for a range of activities from land acquisition and environmental cleanup to construction and redevelopment.
Learn more about other Hennepin County development programs:
Economic development infrastructure fund
Supports new or expanding businesses constructing or renovating facilities
Community Development Block Grant program
Supports community development activities that benefit low- and moderate-income people
Environmental response fund
Supports assessment and cleanup of contaminated lands
Business recycling program
Supports businesses and organizations start or improve recycling programs and reduce waste
Community and economic development
To learn more about community and economic development funding opportunities or to discuss your development plans, contact:
Patricia Fitzgerald
Hennepin County
Manager, Community and Economic Development
patricia.fitzgerald@hennepin.us | 612-532-4588
Affordable housing development
To learn more about the county's affordable housing development programs or to discuss your housing project, contact:
Margo Geffen
Hennepin County
Manager, Housing and Redevelopment Authority
margo.geffen@hennepin.us | 612-348-9260