Unwind After a Hectic Day With Music and Movies in The Park

We first saw Felonious Bosch last year at the Mill City Farmers Market. It was a treat seeing them again, this time for Music in the Park this past Tuesday at Father Hennepin Bluffs Park.
Music & Movies in The Parks is produced by the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board, bringing us more than 250 FREE concerts and movies in Minneapolis parks during the summer. Visit their facebook or twitter page for entertainment listings and weather cancellations. (Tuesdays at Father Hennepin Bluffs Park is Music and Movie Combo night).
After a hectic workday, an hour or two relaxing in the park with live music is a nice way to unwind. It's good to see young families, retirees and others hanging out on blankets, picnicing and enjoying this neat offering for the MPRB.
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