Tonight - Washburn Crosby Elevator 1 Preservation Project

Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission
Item #3 on the Agenda
4:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Room 317, City Hall
350 South Fifth Street
Minneapolis, MN 55415-1385
3. 104 8th Avenue South, Washburn Grain Elevators – St. Anthony Falls Historic District, Ward 7
Staff: Aaron Hanauer, 612.673.2494 – Staff Report
Certificate of Appropriateness for preservation and stabilization work.
Staff Recommendation: Adopt staff findings and approve the Certificate of Appropriateness with the following condition(s):
- For the Gold Medal Flour, any work beyond the condition analysis shall be reviewed by CPED-Planning Preservation Staff.
- CPED-Planning Preservation Staff shall review and approve the final plans and elevations prior to building permit issuance.
- The Certificate of Appropriateness approval shall expire if it is not acted upon within one year of approval, unless extended by the Planning Director in writing prior to one-year anniversary date of approvals.
- By ordinance, all approvals granted in this Certificate of Appropriateness shall remain in effect as long as all of the conditions and guarantees of such approvals are observed. Failure to comply with such conditions and guarantees shall constitute a violation of this Certificate of Appropriateness and may result in termination of the approval.
Washburn Crosby Elevator 1 Preservation Project
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