Tonight - Vote at the Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting

Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Pohlad Hall, Central Library, 300 Nicollet Mall
Guest speakers include Council Member Lisa Goodman, Park Board Commissioner Anita Tabb, Manager of Transit Oriented Development David Frank, and representatives from the Minneapolis Police Department's First Precinct.
Elections to the DMNA Board of Directors will also be held at this meeting. There are four open seats on the DMNA Board. We currently have five people running for the four seats: Andrea Christenson, Andy Hauer, Eric Laska, George Rosenquist and Wally Swan. Christenson, Hauer, Rosenquist and Swan are incumbents.
You must live, work, or own property in the Downtown East or Downtown West neighborhoods to run for a seat on the DMNA Board. If you have an interest in adding your name to the list of candiates, please email the DMNA at
There will be coffee and cookies at the meeting provided by Dunn Brothers Coffee. The annual meeting is a great opportunity to meet other Downtown residents, and to learn more about what the DMNA is doing to make the Downtown community a great place to live, work and play.
Download - DMNA Annual Meeting Agenda 10-11-11
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