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Tonight - Public Hearing on New Policy Proposed to Enhance Community Engagement for Minneapolis Park Projects

Time: 6:30pm

Location: Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, 2117 West River Road

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) has developed a draft new policy and ordinance amendment related to how it involves the community in park projects and will host a public hearing for these proposed changes on October 5.

The policy and amended ordinance on community engagement are designed to improve practices for how the MPRB works and communicates with Minneapolis residents and park users, especially for capital projects involving the construction or redevelopment of park facilities.

In 2010 and throughout 2011, various community outreach methods were utilized to gather opinion from the community in development of the new policy and amended ordinance. Individuals and community groups were invited to share their thoughts though an online survey, public meetings, focus group discussions and print questionnaires available at recreation centers. Staff interviewed residents at community events such as neighborhood socials, movies and concerts in the parks.

Upon first draft, the public was invited to review and comment on the documents during a 45-day period. Community input was incorporated into the new policy and amended ordinance and is now proposed for approval by the Board of Commissioners.

Download - Resolution Adopting Amended Chapter 11 of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Code of Ordinances and New Policy on Community Engagement 4-2-190PLN

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