Tonight - An Evening of Rhyme, Swine, and Wine at Central Library

Time: 7:00pm
Location: Pohlad Hall, Central Library, 300 Nicollet Mall
In celebration of National Poetry Month.
Local poetry legend Jim Lenfestey has edited a new collection of poems on the subject of pigs. This porcine-anthology, Low Down and Coming On: A Feast of Delicious and Dangerous Poems about Pigs, features the work of 105 poets from around the world and throughout time, including works by Margaret Atwood, William Blake, Pablo Neruda, Sylvia Plath, and dozens of local authors.
The idea behind the collection came from Minnesota author Bill Holm before he died in 2009. In the introduction dedicated to Holm, Jim roots through the history of pig poetry since Homer, uncovering many tasty surprises. Join Jim and contributing poets Jim Heynen, Jill Breckenridge, and Katherine Grant for an evening of rhyme swine, and wine. A wine toast will kick-off the program and a book signing reception will follow.
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