Theater Latte Da's At Home Series: Sally Wingert

Reprinted with the permission of Theater Latté Da
Editors Note: Theater Latté Da's At Home with... interviews their family of artists to hear what is inspiring them (and keeping them sane) during these days of social distancing. Below they feature actress Sally Wingert, who has graced their stage in performances ranging from Maria Callas in Master Class, Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd and The Librarian in Underneath the Lintel.
Q: Do you have a daily ritual that's keeping you grounded these days?
A: My daily, grounding ritual is taking a long, sometimes 2-hour morning walk with my dog, Richie Tozier (yes, you read that right! Sally's dog is named after a character in Stephen King's novel, IT). We got him as a rescue last summer and he has proved to be one of the best decisions we have ever made. My husband Tim and I are smitten with him. Nature grounds me and I can almost forget the crisis our world is in.
Q: What are you reading?
A: Here is the list of books by my bedside:
- City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert
- Missing Mom by Joyce Carol Oates
- The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
- Searching for MInnesota's Native Wildflowers by Phyllis Root
- A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains by Isabella Bird
Q: Is there a work of art--a song/poem/piece of music - that sustains you?
A: I am writing this the day after John Prine's death. His music has been a soundtrack to our family's life. Songs like Hello in There, Sam Stone, All the Best, In Spite of Ourselves, Summer's End...really any and all of his songs. Such humanity.
Q: Any TV shows or series you’re streaming (okay, bingeing)?
A: Yes!!!
- Killing Eve (OMG...Soo good. A little scary, a little funny and those women, all of them are fantastic)
- High Maintenance (Idiosyncratic, compassionate look at human beings) Ozark (Especially Season three)
- Unorthodox (I just started watching this. Already obsessed)
Q: Of the roles you've played at Theater Latté Da, which is your favorite?
A: Seriously, I cannot name a favorite. I could wax rhapsodic about every character I've played for Latté Da, which says more about the astonishing opportunities that theater has given me than it does about my affinity to them. I am grateful to Peter Rothstein for my career, and I mean that. That said, I have been thinking a lot about Maria Callas (who I played in Terrence McNally's play Master Class at Latté Da) because of Terrence McNally's death. I loved playing her. I loved what she said about art. I loved just how flawed she was and how ferocious she was. See clips from Master Class.
Q: If you could throw a Fantasy Dinner Party (since that's the only kind we can throw right now!) who would be on the guest list?
A: Because of these times, it would be all my family, both mine and Tim's. The real fantasy would be to have our deceased parents there.
Q: What are you doing to feel creative or productive in this time?
A: I am not feeling productive. I feel fragile. But I see other artists' practice and their productivity, and I marvel and gather strength from them.
Q: Are you cooking? Is there a recipe you'd like to share?
A: Am I cooking?? Does a bear...?? (I'll let you finish that thought, Dear Reader) Tim and I are cooking a lot. I also bake a bit. Recently the Bittersweet Brownie Shortbread from the NYTimes was yummy.
Q: Would you share a quote that's meaningful to you?
A: "I am a woman and a serious artist, and I would like so to be judged."- Maria Callas
Q: This series is called "At Home with..." How about a selfie of you at home?
A: Sure! Glamor, be damned... here’s me in my kitchen.