The Week Ahead in Mill City / January 23-29

Above: The latest update to the Mill City Photo Pool...
Each Monday morning we provide an easy to reference list of events and activities for the week ahead in the Mill City neighborhood. Submit your events here...
Monday, January 23
Wines of Italy Seminar at Sorella Wine & Spirits
Tuesday, January 24
Wednesday, January 25
Mediterranean Wine Dinner at Spill the Wine
North Loop Neighborhood Annual Meeting at Target Field
The Minnesota Magazine Mingle at Open Book
Thursday, January 26
Go Red For Women Dinner at Sanctuary
Friday, January 27
The Dragons Are Singing Tonight opens at Southern Theater
Saturday, January 28
How'd They Do That Workshop at the Guthrie: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Sunday, January 29
Brownie Demo at Mill City Museum Baking Lab
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