The Week Ahead in Mill City / April 2-8

Above: The latest update to the Mill City Photo Pool...
Each Monday morning we provide an easy to reference list of events and activities for the week ahead in the Mill City neighborhood. Submit your events here...
Monday, April 2
No events scheduled
Tuesday, April 3
Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission Public Meeting
Book Launch Party: Europe on Five Wrong Turns a Day at Honey
Wednesday, April 4
Minneapolis Park and Rec Board Meeting
Range of Motion 'Tough Enough Bootcamp' at Mill Ruins Park
'When it Rains, it Pours!' Dinner at Spill the Wine
Thursday, April 5
The 30-Days Foundation Benefit Dinner at Spill the Wine
What's in Dragonfly's Box? at Central Library
Friday, April 6
Saturday, April 7
Taste Twin Cities Food Tours Heart of Minneapolis Tour
Taste Twin Cities Food Tours Minneapolis Riverwalk Tour
Winning Recipes from the Pillsbury Bake-Off at Mill City Museum
Equilibrium: Tara Betts and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha at The Loft
Midwest Photo Safari: "Minneapolis Nights" St. Anthony Main
Sunday, April 8
No events scheduled
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