The Southern Theater Announces the August Installment of Good Night at The Southern

Theater, Music, and Dance on The Southern Stage at 7:30 pm on August 19th
Good Night at The Southern on August 19th will offer works ranging from new pieces to revised favorites by Brenna Mosser Dance Works, multi-disciplinary artist Eric Larson, choreographer Jennifer Mack, and performing artist Queen Drea.
Brenna Mosser Dance Works will present work-in-progress Serve Id, a modern dance quartet performed as a duet for this presentation, inspired by whitetail deer that investigates natural environments found in Minnesota. Toot, a whirlwind of collaborators, ideas, and practices led by Eric Larson, recently began rehearsals for Tweezer Burn and will be sharing initial discoveries. Jennifer Mack will be presenting 3 new works along with dancer, Hannah Benditt. A duet, "No Words just cut in Two" is based off the connection of two family members over space and time. The solo "Occultation" explores losing your grounding, feet, or self and trying to find it again from the perspective of yourself or the audience. The third piece is a brand new work, untitled as of yet.
In "From Black Wombs," created by Queen Drea and collaborators Ryan-Olivia McCoy and Jianna Reynolds, Afro-futurist sisters navigate a bleak world where due to AmeriKKKa's school to prison pipeline, there are no black men. The stress from this reality has left them disoriented and barren. Using poetry, electronica, and movement they seek to heal their wombs by laying waste to the prison industrial complex and giving birth to a NEW America.
The Southern Theater, located at 1420 S Washington Avenue, is thrilled to share the work of these artists and hopes you will join us at the bar starting at 6:30 for a local beer, glass of wine, pop, or a snack.
Tickets are Pay What You Can and are purchased at the door. All proceeds from this event will go to support the artists and The Southern Theater.