The Missing "O" is Back at Gold Medal Park

I took the picture above yesterday afternoon after reading a blog post on the Star Tribune website. We had reported on this in October.
The story below from the Star Trib just posted a few minutes ago, so they probably haven't been notified on the return of the big "O" yet. Look for it in the Sunday Strib (includes a nice shot of Gold Medal Park.
From The Star Tribune:
Someone has been stealing letters from the sign at Gold Medal Park next to the Guthrie Theater. The most recent victim was the "O," possibly nabbed in late October.
It's the fourth time a letter has gone missing, said Kate Sherburn, an attorney for the Park Development Foundation that is responsible for the sign.
"It's quite amazing," Sherburn said. "Those things are quite anchored down."
The "O" that was stolen has been recovered, Sherburn said, though she wasn't sure where. It takes a while for a letter to be repaired, she said.
"It's not like you can go to Home Depot to get an O," she quipped. But the missing letter should complete the sign soon.
One local blogger, David Tinjum of the Mill City Times, noted that the "D" had disappeared in July and speculated on the thieves' motive: "Is this the work of scrappers?"
The sign is near the I-35W bridge collapse Remembrance Garden, which also had letters stolen from its memorial earlier this year.
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