The Mill Yard at Stonebridge Lofts Announces Winter Art Show Opening, February 23

You're invited to The Mill Yard opening reception for wine, beverages, snacks and beautiful art. Local popular food truck, Taqueria Victor Hugo, will be out front selling a variety of Mexican cuisine.
About The Mill Yard at Stonebridge Lofts
The Mill City. Residents celebrate our area’s industrial heritage of the mighty Mississippi River and the mills. Today, what we see are the most recognizable Minneapolis landmarks. However, this is only part of the story. Rail lines were key to Minneapolis’ growth, and were particularly integral to the Mill District, bringing in wheat and timber and shipping out flour and lumber. We also honor the history of the mills, the reason for the rail yard’s existence. The Mill Yard aims to be both a gathering place for art and artists and a conduit by which art can be shared with and disseminated into the wider community.
Laura Donovan: E Marooned
Laura describes her oil paintings as “suggestive of landscapes in a world just beyond this one. The moods can be dark while the colors vivid and provocative.” Elements in her work are inspired by her surroundings and her travels. A Twin Cities native, her education focused on International Relations at the University of Minnesota but she has pursued art throughout her life. Her paintings have been displayed around the Twin Cities and she is currently an exhibitor at Gustaf’s Up North Gallery in Lindstrom, MN.
Tim Harding: Koi Cloud Reflections
After working in painting and photography Tim became intrigued with the intimacy of fiber/textiles, their textural, tactile richness, the pliable plane, and the inherent grid of the weave, as well as the complex cultural roles of this medium. Inspiration for his work emerges from historical references, world cultures, modern art and artists with a key influence being the profound connection between modern painting and primitive ethnographic artifacts. Tim uses a unique, self-developed physical technique (a complex, free-reverse applique) that creates a compelling interplay of surface and structure. He has received numerous prestigious awards and Tim’s pieces are in museums and corporate collections across the country.
Steve Hemingway: Tree Vase
Steve explains the material that best suits his work is clay. “Clay, especially wet clay, allows for sensuous immediacy. The clay responds immediately to your touch and in return you respond back and a dialog is created. It immerses you into the present moment. I find this a wellspring for creative thought and process.” A native of Flint Michigan, and where he trained as an artist, Steve taught part time which allowed him to develop as an artist. In 1992 Steve moved to Minneapolis and in 1996 moved to Minnetonka where he built another studio and soon after devoted himself full-time to his art. Steve creates tablets, tiles, vessels and sculpture. Most of his work is Raku fired.
Nanci Yermakoff: Series 14 #21
Nanci’s luminous watercolors majestically radiate color, space and emotion. She currently lives and works in St Paul and has a studio in the Northrup King Building. In addition, she has a studio in north-central Minnesota where the lakes of the north woods inspire her work. Nanci has been a featured artist in American Artist Watercolor magazine as well as Watercolor Artist magazine. She taught watercolor at the Botanical and Zoological Art and Illustration Program at the Como Conservatory in St Paul from 2004-2009.