The Dog That Howled at the Moon by Ric Rosow

Submitted by Ric Rosow
I was out before sunrise on March 16th taking photographs of the moon over downtown Minneapolis. Sunrise and Moonset were closer together than the days before, so I was able to get more detail in the foreground but at the same time the moon does not have as much detail because of the bright sky. As the moon descended it was making its way to land on top of Centre Village apartments. At the same time the smoke from the downtown steam energy plant was billowing in the wind. I was concerned it would hide the moon. In this image the wind blew the smoke into the shape of a dog looking directly up at the moon. In a photo a few shots later, the moon is on top of the "dogs" head. It almost looks like that famous dog created by cartonist and creator Charles Schulz. It was REALLY cold this morning and I almost called it quits before the moon totally set below Centre Village. I am glad I did not as I was able to snap a shot of the moon directly on top of that building.
You can see more of my work at and This photograph and others on my website are available for purchase either from my website or by contacting me directly.