Thank You, Mill City Commons, for Your Generosity!

Mill City Commons Members were very generous in their response to the Fourth Annual Turkey, Dressings & Extra Helpings food and clothing drive organized by MCC members Delia and Tyrone Bujold, Barbara Goldner and Linda Willette.
- Members donated a car full of clothes to People Serving People, including job interview and cold weather clothing.
- Five bags of gifts were delivered to Exodus House and Mary's Place at Sharing and Caring Hands.
- Over $2200 in financial donations to purchase food for holiday dinners for 50 families in North Minneapolis.
The food was delivered to Ascension School where Principal Dorwatha Woods had identified 50 families with the most need. Woods told the volunteers "Your choices and generosity will help the families in many ways -- they will live off this food for a week. These children come from low income families, many of whom count on the school lunch program. Over the holidays, it's difficult for families to provide three meals a day." Ms. Wood also shared that she received a note from one of the mothers who said "Woohoo!" It was the largest pork shoulder roast she'd ever seen -- it would provide her family with multiple meals.
Photos courtesy of Linnea Tweed, Executive Director of Mill City Commons:
MCC members Delia and Tyrone getting into their vehicle after meeting five other drivers with 13 volunteers.
Meeting Rainbow Foods manager Jeff Hamm.
One of the Rainbow Foods team helping with the five rolling carts of food.
Loading up the SUV's and unloading at Ascension School in North Minneapolis.
A job well done!
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