Superintendent Presents Recommended 2019 MPRB Budget, Public Comment Meetings Scheduled

Via an October 17 e-newsletter from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board:
Proposed 2019 MPRB Budget Focuses on Youth Services, Fiscal Responsibility, Environmental Protection and Engaging the Communities' Power
Public comment opportunities scheduled Nov. 7, 14, 28 and Dec. 5
The Superintendent’s Recommended 2019 Budget for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) focuses on the four priorities adopted in April by the Board of Commissioners, which this year includes six new commissioners. The budget supports the priorities: invest in youth; be financially sustainable; protect the environment; and engage communities’ power. It also maintains current service levels, continues the use of racial equity tools throughout the budget process, and reflects initiatives to meet the changing demographics and needs of the community, including funding to pilot the wrap-around full-service community school/park model.
A wrap-around, full-service site will be the hub in the community where families will have access to resources where all their needs can be met. The Park Board's role in this partnership will be to find where a park and school share the same site and work together to leverage both park and school resources and services in support of young people and their families.
“We’ve heard loud and clear from commissioners, community members, city leaders and state legislators that our city has a critical need for enhanced youth programs and services, and youth violence prevention strategies,” explained Superintendent Mary Merrill. “The Park Board is uniquely positioned to address this need and we appreciate Mayor Frey’s support for the work we do and his down payment towards the ongoing investment needed for youth services. We are very proud to partner with the Mayor and the Minneapolis Public Schools on piloting the new wrap-around, full-service community school/park model for Minneapolis children.”
The Superintendent’s Recommended 2019 Budget totals $120.1 million, including $84.2 million for the general operating fund, $1.8 million for the special revenue fund, $11.9 million for the enterprise operating fund and $22.2 for capital project funding.
For details about Proposed 2019 Budget, public-comment opportunities and 2019 budget initiatives, read the full news release on the MPRB website.