Stone Arch Bridge On Minneapolis by Ric Rosow

Submitted by Ric Rosow
Stone Arch Bridge on Minneapolis
I was working on a photograph of Downtown Minneapolis that I took New Year's Day. The sky was unremarkable, rather pale. There were no clouds, no blue or pink tones.The cityscape however looked good. The buildings were sharp and clear with a mixture of complimentary colors. I decided to combine the three images I had open at the time into one image. The other two images were close ups of the Stone Arch Bridge, images that contained very different colors from downtown. My end result is a digital version of a photomontage, a process that includes cutting, gluing, rearranging and overlapping several images. After overlapping the images I was able to modify the result to obtain a color balance and tone that I liked. Other artists in the Tres Leches Art Gallery physically combine different materials, textures, types of paint, resins and objects to create works of two or more dimensions. Photography is one dimensional. Creating the perception of dimension is a goal of almost all fine art photography.
You can view my work in person and the work of other Tres Leches artists, a number of whom create two and three dimensional works of art, this Thursday evening, January 5, at the Tres Leches Art Gallery, Studio 173, located in the Northrup King Building, 1500 Jackson Street NE from 5-9pm. On Saturday, January 21 from 5-9pm NKB will be open for you to browse works from hundreds of artists and shop multiple open creative studio. There is plenty of free Parking, a passenger elevator, and comfortable spaces for you to enjoy.