State Fair Ferris Wheel by Ric Rosow

Submitted by Ric Rosow
Around 11 pm last night after we finished watching a movie, my wife looked out our living room window and saw an unfamiliar colorful glow in the distance. With binoculars purchased for a trip never taken due to the pandemic, she identified it as the State Fair Ferris Wheel. Never one to pass up an interesting photo opportunity, even though it was late, I set up my camera and tripod. After several test shots to determine the right settings I took a dozen or so photos, as the lights on the Ferris Wheel kept changing colors. I was eager to see what the images looked like on my computer screen and processed this one image. Who knew that 8+ miles from the State Fair grounds one can see the Ferris Wheel from our Downtown East neighborhood. I didn’t. But then I’ve never before had a view from my home in Downtown East looking East. In order to get a closer and larger view of the Ferris Wheel, paraphrasing from that iconic line in Jaws, I need a bigger lens.
See more of my work at and Tres Leches Art Gallery in the Northrup King Building.
State Fair Ferris Wheel