Sheridan Memorial Park Improvements Update

Via an e-newsletter from the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board:
An artist's depiction of the exciting slate of improvements scheduled to be constructed at Sheridan Memorial Park in 2018.
Online survey available to weigh in on impact to Grain Belt Brewing Company Historic District
The preferred concept for more than $1 million in upcoming improvements at Sheridan Memorial Park has been updated.
Click the link below to view a detailed depiction of the proposed improvements, which include new playgrounds, paths, public art, restrooms, picnic shelter and basketball court. Construction is scheduled in 2018.
Sheridan Memorial Park Improvements Preferred Concept
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Grain Belt Brewing Company Historic District
Funding for these improvements is supported by a $500,000 grant from the National Park Service for Outdoor Legacy Partnership and a $1 million match from Minnesota Parks and Trails Legacy funding.
These funding sources and the park's location within the Grain Belt Brewing Company Historic District requires review under the provisions of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Public participation is an important part of the Section 106 process. Take the survey linked below to give feedback on how you think the upcoming park improvements will affect the historic district.