Sensory Friendly Days at the Mill City Museum, Feb 12 and July 22

Visitors can explore modified exhibits and activities outside of regular museum hours
The Minnesota Historical Society welcomes visitors with sensory sensitivities, Autism, or developmental disabilities to Sensory Friendly Days at several metro area historic sites throughout the coming months.
Multiple MNHS sites will modify museum activities and exhibits with neurodiversity in mind. Considerations include low volume for all media shows, signs with explanations of activities, allergy signs, and take-a-break spaces. Pre-registration is required to attend Sensory Friendly Days.
Participants at these events can enjoy selected museum exhibits, short films when applicable, and hands-on activities. Sensory Friendly Days will begin one to two hours before sites open to the general public. Visitors are welcome to extend their visit into regular museum hours. Locations and dates for Sensory Friendly Days include:
Mill City Museum: Sunday, February 12, 9–10am, Theme: Valentines
Minnesota History Center: Saturday, March 25, 8:30–10am, Theme: Sherlock Holmes: The Exhibition
James J. Hill House: Saturday, May 13, 9–10am, Theme: Train Day
Mill City Museum: Saturday, July 22, 9–10 am,Theme: Archaeology Day
Register and find more information about Sensory Friendly Days here.