Scenes from the September 2 Mill City Farmers Market

Apples, Brussels sprouts and squash - delicious fall is in the air!
The Zestar! apples from Ames Farm sustained some hail damage, but that seemed to make them even sweeter than usual. You will always hear the MCFM chefs say "Buy the ugly produce!", because a few dings or weird shapes have no bearing on flavor and nutrients.
Brussels sprouts on the grill - what a treat! Try a drizzle of maple syrup or honey for extra flavor.
I ran into Chef Nettie Colon, who was filling a wagon with produce that will be used for the September 10 Harvest Social feast. There are still some tickets available - click here for more info on this annual fund raising event. We look forward to it every year.
Breakfast pizza hot out of the oven from Northern Fires. Yummy! :D
Always happy to see Urban Roots return to the the Market. These young farmers do a fantastic job growing, harvesting and displaying produce. Added bonus - with each visit they have a new joke or factoid on their sandwich board.
Just in time for Vikings season - purple sweet corn from Prairie Hollow Farm.
Sweet corn ice cream from Sonny's - a must try! Nistler Farms supplies the sweet corn, and Sonny's supplies the magic.
Golden beets taste as good as they look.
I love the socks from The Abbey - so soft and warm.
Milly the goat!