Scenes from the September 17 Mill City Farmers Market

That cute little bee manning the Great River Coalition booth at the September 17 Mill City Farmers Market is none other than former Minneapolis City Council Member Diane Hofstede. This member-supported nonprofit organization works collaboratively within the community to enhance the vitality of the river environment and create pollinator pathways.
It was a music-filled Market, featuring the Orange Mighty Trio as the main attraction. Prior to their arrival, guests were greeted by two fiddlers and there was a sweet little piano onsite available for anyone to play.
Vegetable humor - compliments of Urban Roots:
Keepin' it clean!
The Market was one of the stops for the Mill City Running The Fast and the Curious scavenger hunt. (I resisted the urge to help them find what they were looking for.)
Milly the goat! :)