Scarf Day at St. Joan of Arc - Mill City Singers Create Hand Painted Silk Scarves for Future Performances

Article by Claudia Kittock, photos by Rick Kittock
The best thing about being on the board of the Friends of the Mill District is that all of the work we do is about community. We create and support new ways to be part of this vibrant neighborhood. When the Mill City Singers began, over 2 years ago, it was immediately apparent that this would be an incredible community of singers and friends. We work hard to be open and accessible to everyone in our community, and to present no barriers that would keep anyone out. It has been a success with over 200 singers on the roster, and too many performances to list.
We have struggled to find a way to identify as a group when we are in public. The ideas of hats and woven scarves were discussed and quickly discarded. Vicki Underland-Rosow, a singer and artist, asked me if she could organize a group of volunteers from the Singers to paint silk scarves to be worn when the Singers perform. She explained that the cost would be minimal, the results original and beautiful. The board joyfully said, “YES!”
On January 6, a group of volunteers gathered at St. Joan of Arc to learn how to paint silk scarves. After several hours of work, laughter, lunch, and artistry, 100 scarves had been designed and created. They are amazing artistic creations.
Member of the Mill City Singers sporting their newly created silk scarves.
Community means everyone contributes. Community means we are all included and all of our ideas considered. What happened on January 6 was the essence of community. A member of the Singers created an idea, the charity ordered the supplies and brought coffee and lunch, a group of volunteers spent a day making these incredible creations, and the Mill City Singers now have an identifying piece of art that will be worn by every singer during our performances. What could be better? If you think you may want to join this group, please contact Claudia Kittock at
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About Claudia Kittock