River Hub Archive: News from the Minneapolis Riverfront

The archive of our weekly digest of news relating to the Minneapolis Riverfront, in collaboration with The Great River Coalition:
Park commissioners push back on idea for ‘promenade’ over St. Anthony Falls
A Hennepin County official has a dramatic plan to elevate the region’s status for architecture: a wishbone-shaped walkway above the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis.
Solution for a scourge? University of Minnesota scientist is progressing with carp-killer tool
DNA-altering project is gaining attention as potential advance against invasive carp.
My internship highlight: Planting hundreds of native trees on a tiny metro river island
Being an intern at FMR comes with many perks. One is being able to participate in volunteer habitat restoration outings.
Volunteers-In-Park: Sue
Meet Sue, a volunteer at Mississippi National River and Recreation Area.
Sunday Deadline: Job Openings at Mississippi Watershed Management Organization
Applications for summer internships are due by March 15.
Park commissioners push back on idea for ‘promenade’ over St. Anthony Falls
A Hennepin County official has a dramatic plan to elevate the region’s status for architecture: a wishbone-shaped walkway above the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis.
Watch: The Wishbone – A vision for a ¾-mile promenade that uses St. Anthony Falls’ infrastructure to connect both banks of the river.
A Hennepin County official has a dramatic plan to elevate the region’s status for architecture: a wishbone-shaped walkway above the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis.
Judge: Recycling plant can store vehicles in Minneapolis, but must comply with MPCA order in Becker
But recycler needs MPCA OK to reopen in Becker.
River Sustainers are foundational to the health of our hometown river
Fred Bertschinger is an FMR River Sustainer, longtime volunteer, River Guardian and Mississippi River Legacy Society member. Raised in an Iowa town along the banks of the Mississippi River, Fred frequently viewed the river from bluffs or the bridge high above it.
March 10: Tour the Xcel Energy Plant
Join this exclusive group tour of the Xcel Energy Riverside Plant, located on the Mississippi River between Northeast and Columbia Heights. Learn how your electricity is generated from efficient integration of combustion turbine and steam turbine technology.
March 28: Welcome Back the Herons
Great blue herons start returning to their rookery on the Mississippi River toward the end of March. Join Park Ranger Sharon at Marshall Terrace Park in Minneapolis as we watch them rebuild nests and do a little flirting.
26th Ave North Overlook Update: Migrating bird assessment completed
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is finalizing construction design and operation of the 26th Avenue North Overlook, which will link North Minneapolis to the Mississippi River through an iconic new park destination that includes a trail loop, gathering space and riverfront beacon.
Before taxpayer funds go to Upper Harbor Terminal, the public deserves answers
The project's proponents have said several times that the amphitheater project will create new jobs. Last month, First Avenue's CEO Dayna Frank said that the project will create 269 operations jobs plus up to 70 paid youth internships.
Who Should Manage the Upper Harbor Terminal's Music Venue?
City leaders are considering establishing a Community Development Corporation that would join First Avenue in overseeing the venue.
Watch: Northern Metals Recycling plants ordered to shut down, citing 'imminent and substantial danger'
The MPCA issued an administrative order Friday to cease operations at Northern Metals Recycling facilities in Becker and north Minneapolis until the fire at its Becker location is extinguished and both locations comply with all of the agency's requirements.
Park Board commissioners raise concerns about two canceled meetings this year
Some see the absences as petty politics surrounding the new board president.
Body recovered from Mississippi River in Minneapolis
Authorities are working to learn the identify of a person whose body was recovered from the Mississippi River in Minneapolis.
Why rivers flood
River flows: always changing, but not always natural.
Tomorrow: Tour the Minneapolis Tap Water Plant
Ever wonder how the water you drink every day gets to your tap? Join us for this unique tour of The Public Works Water Treatment & Distribution Service (WTDS) located along the Mississippi River.
Minnesota cities could get power to ban pesticides as bee populations fall
A measure introduced last week by state Rep. Jean Wagenius, DFL-Minneapolis, would essentially give cities their first chance in more than 30 years to have some form of local control over what pesticides can be used within their boundaries.
No room for mushrooms in Minneapolis' Upper Harbor Terminal plans
The city of Minneapolis has big plans for the land. But Mississippi Mushrooms wasn't part of them.
Nowhere for all the water to go
Minnesota's aging stormwater systems weren't built for this volume of rain, and cities can't keep up.
Dredging down the Mississippi may lift crop prices up north
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced it will devote $85.4 million to deepening the mouth of the river to 50 feet, enabling oceangoing ships to load more grain at terminals upriver.
Thursday: MPCA Community Meeting on Ford Area C
Join Friends of the Mississippi River (FMR) and community members on February 20, 2020 for this informational meeting hosted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) about the future of Ford Area C.
Next Tuesday: Tour the Minneapolis Tap Water Plant
Ever wonder how the water you drink every day gets to your tap? Join us for this unique tour of The Public Works Water Treatment & Distribution Service (WTDS) located along the Mississippi River.
Continuing the discussion on the 'Wishbone' proposal
St. Anthony Falls project would complement the vision Minneapolis has for downtown.
Man rescued after attempting to cross river in Minneapolis, stated Google Maps told him to cross
A man was rescued early Saturday morning after he fell partially through the ice on the Mississippi River near the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis.
As Minnesota River expands, erosion damage grows
Cities and farms along the Minnesota are losing the battle to preserve land from erosion.
Cut off by spring floods, Minnesota town counting on Legislature
Henderson hopes raising roads can save one of its schools.
Next Week: MPCA Community Meeting on Ford Area C
Join Friends of the Mississippi River (FMR) and community members on February 20, 2020 for this informational meeting hosted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) about the future of Ford Area C.
Story Map Tool Reveals the Hidden Journey of Stormwater Runoff to the Mississippi River
In our watershed, most stormwater runoff gets piped directly into the Mississippi River; it generally gets there quickly, and it is not treated to remove pollutants first. But how do you show this to people when most of it is occurring underground, via the stormsewers? What if you had a tool that could show people exactly how the water flows from their street into the river — the path it takes, how fast it moves, and the amount of pollution it carries?
Record high water, ice jams on Mississippi River could bring rare winter floods to southern Minnesota
The problem stems from the state's record wet year in 2019.
Upper Harbor Terminal: Must an advisory board follow Minnesota's Open Meeting Law?
1988 ruling appears to give an opening for restrictions on the media like those sought by the group advising the Upper Harbor Terminal project.
Outdoor Jobs and Internships with the Mississippi Park Connection
River Educator and Mississippi River Crew Leader positions available.
FMR's river corridor work: Celebrate 2019, join us in 2020
Here are a few of the ways our river corridor work made a difference for the Mississippi River in 2019.
Wednesday: Fireside Chat with the National Park Service
Join us in the private Brewer's Den at Finnegan's Brew Co in Minneapolis to discuss the current health of the Mississippi River, the effects of climate change, habitat restoration efforts, and what’s going on with the National Park Service, with Superintendent John Anfinson and Mississippi Park Connection’s Executive Director Katie Nyberg.
Proposed Promenade to Bridge the Mississippi River Around St. Anthony Falls
The Hennepin County Board presented the near-mile long riverfront project this week, but the path to building it remains unclear.
Editorial counterpoint: Let's raise St. Anthony Falls before we bury it
Rather than catering to constructed splendor, let's recreate the majesty that once existed.
Next step for Upper Harbor Terminal: Securing $20M from state for massive amphitheater
This year, Minneapolis leaders hope the stage is set to move forward with the city’s first amphitheater, the centerpiece in a large-scale transformation of 48 acres of riverfront in the North Side.
Minneapolis board wrongly bars journalists from recording public meeting about $200 million North Side project
Photos, recording banned at public meeting about $200M North Side project.
After objecting to reporters, Minneapolis advisory committee will be educated on Open Meeting Law
Reporters were asked not to record or photograph during open proceedings.
Upper Harbor Terminal committee draws media attention
MinnPost reporter Jessica Lee's in-depth article focused on Upper Harbor Terminal Collaborative Planning Committee members' concerns about the project planning timeline and process. FMR board member Paul Bauknight, who resigned from the committee due to these same concerns, is featured in Lee's article.
$60M overhaul will add bikeway, pare driving lanes on 10th Avenue Bridge in Minneapolis
Protected bike lanes will make link between Dinkytown area and West Bank safer, engineer says.
Next Week: Fireside Chat with the National Park Service
Join us in the private Brewer's Den at Finnegan's Brew Co in Minneapolis to discuss the current health of the Mississippi River, the effects of climate change, habitat restoration efforts, and what’s going on with the National Park Service, with Superintendent John Anfinson and Mississippi Park Connection’s Executive Director Katie Nyberg.
Solar on the Area C dumpsite? Sounds great ... at first
It's not what's being built, but where and when that's at issue. The array is being proposed for the top of an unpermitted hazardous waste dump in the river's floodplain.
No salt required: sidewalk snowmelt system fights snow and ice
If you visit the Columbia Heights Public Library after a recent snowfall, you might notice that the sidewalk between the parking lot and the entrance is clean, dry and safe, without any evidence of salt or deicer being used. That’s because below the concrete slabs are coils filled with antifreeze that heat the sidewalk and prevent ice from forming. That’s right, absolutely no salt or sand required — and no shoveling!
Thursday: BARK Ranger Training Day
Join the BARK Ranger Program at Mississippi National River and Recreation Area!
To become an official steward of the land, BARK Rangers commit to:
B - Bag your dog waste
A - Always keep your dog on a leash
R - Respect wildlife
K - Know where you can go
Take a tour of Coldwater Spring with park staff, then get sworn in as one of the first official BARK Rangers in the park. All dogs will go home with a shiny official BARK Ranger dog tag!
January 25: Winter RAVE at Coldwater Spring
Join us at Coldwater Spring, a beautiful oak savanna prairie near the Mississippi River, for this special winter RAVE (River Action Volunteer Event). Help with invasive plant management, followed by a guided hike to the river with a park ranger. We may turn this in to a snowshoe hike, weather permitting!
Watch: The Impact of Climate Change along the Mississippi River
From PBS: Joe Fargione, science director for The Nature Conservancy's North America region, talking about the impact of climate change along the Mississippi River.
To Protect Its Greenery, Downtown Minneapolis Turns to Smart Salting
It makes sense that over-salting would be a challenge downtown. With throngs of pedestrians to keep safe — and potential lawsuits to avoid — downtown property managers have clear incentives to err on the side of caution in applying deicing chemicals. Many know they’re using more than is necessary, but they feel boxed in by the common public misperception that more salt is always better.
Save the Date: Winter RAVE at Coldwater Spring
Join us at Coldwater Spring, a beautiful oak savanna prairie near the Mississippi River, for this special winter RAVE (River Action Volunteer Event). Help with invasive plant management, followed by a guided hike to the river with a park ranger. We may turn this into a snowshoe hike, weather permitting!
Save the Date: Fireside Chat with the National Park Service
Hosted in the private Brewer's Den at Finnegan's Brew Co in Minneapolis to discuss the current health of the Mississippi River, the effects of climate change, habitat restoration efforts, and what’s going on with the National Park Service, with Superintendent John Anfinson and Mississippi Park Connection’s Executive Director Katie Nyberg.
Upper Harbor Terminal: Minneapolis' effort to win support for riverfront project runs into turbulence
Leaders of a community group tasked with refining the plan have resigned or spoken out in protest.
Download: Upper Harbor Terminal (From the proposed Above the Falls Master Plan)
Invasive silver carp confirmed for 1st time in SW Minnesota
Two invasive silver carp have been caught in southwestern Minnesota after essentially sneaking into the state through the back door, marking the first confirmed discovery of the jumping fish in that area.
'Tis the season... to remove buckthorn?
While it may seem odd, the best times for buckthorn removal may not correlate with the best time to be outdoors (hardcore winter fans' preferences notwithstanding).
January 8: Tour St. Anthony Falls Laboratory (SOLD OUT)
From river to tap: Exploring how Minneapolis gets its water
The City established its first drinking water pump station by 1872 on the Mississippi River above St. Anthony Falls and expanded its distribution to residents—making Minneapolis the first city in Minnesota with a public drinking water system.
Plant for the Future with Mississippi Park Connection
As the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area’s urban canopy faces increasing pressure from invasive pests, a changing climate, and challenges with regeneration, Mississippi Park Connection is committed to building resilience in our urban forests.
Protecting flood plains could save billions, researchers say
It's cheaper in the long run to purchase, protect flood-prone areas, research says.
Wednesday: Monthly Tour of St. Anthony Falls Laboratory
The St. Anthony Falls Laboratory (SAFL), located on the Mississippi River at the heart of Minneapolis, is an interdisciplinary fluid mechanics research and educational facility of the College of Science and Engineering at the UMN.
Saturday: Winter Solstice Celebration
Rejoice the coming of longer days with an evening of celestial fun. Take a nature walk along a glowing luminary trail, then make your own luminary to bring home.
Ask a 'sotan: Why are the rivers different colors?
Have you ever driven past or hiked along a Minnesota river and wondered what gives it that particular color?
Painstaking efforts to restore Minnesota’s freshwater mussels paying off
On a sunny day this fall, biologist Lindsay Ohlman shuffled around a knee-deep section of the Cedar River near Austin, Minn. She used her feet to feel the streambed, searching for the perfect spot to release 200 muckets — a species of freshwater mussel — into a stretch of river where they have been absent for a century.
Stormwater 101: Snow and Ice Removal – What You Can Do
The best way to remove snow and ice is the old-fashioned way: with elbow grease. Shovel early and often during a snowstorm so that the snow doesn’t have time to become compacted and/or turn to ice. It might sound obvious, but the more snow you remove by shoveling or snow-blowing, the less ice you’ll have to deal with later.
The Iceman Cometh—Sidewalk Salt Pollutes Our Lakes and Streams
Uptown Wedge resident Joe Knaeble is concerned with a problem that is mostly invisible: increasing levels of salt in groundwater and lakes due to its overuse as a deicer.
Save the Date: Winter RAVE at Coldwater Spring
Help with invasive plant management, followed by a guided hike to the river with a park ranger. We may turn this in to a snowshoe hike, weather permitting!
Study links Asian carp with Mississippi River fish drop
Sport fish have declined significantly in portions of the Upper Mississippi River infested with Asian carp, adding evidence to fears about the invader’s threat to native species, according to a new study.
Minnesota's native mussels: Still in peril, but signs of hope
The small, hard-shelled sentinels of Minnesota’s river health are in crisis.
Minnesota must act now to protect its vital waterways
The cost of doing so will be far less than cleanup, restoration.
Nancy Stowe Named Mississippi Water Management Organization Projects and Outreach Director
In her new role, Stowe (pronounced “stow-ee”) will provide leadership to an interdisciplinary group of staff that includes the MWMO’s capital projects, Stewardship Fund Grants, planning, and outreach teams. She will be responsible for aligning the MWMO and its partners toward system-scale planning and project implementation across the entire watershed.
Mississippi Park Connection: Donation Match from Patagonia
Buy-one-give-one "free" donation to the Mississippi River on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday, and every other day in December. If you are planning any end-of-year giving, now is the time to make it count twice!
Upper Harbor Terminal featured on Fox 9: 'If you build it, will Beyoncé come?'
This recent in-depth feature by Fox 9 News' investigative reporter Tom Lyden highlights the debate around the future of the city-owned Upper Harbor Terminal site on the North Minneapolis riverfront.
Why Upper Harbor Terminal matters
In recent years, riverfront land transitions in the Above the Falls area (North and Northeast Minneapolis "above" St. Anthony Falls) have been relatively modest. Heavy industry is making way for parks, housing and other uses, but mostly on fairly small parcels and at a slow pace.
Volunteers create piles for habitat in the Minneapolis river gorge
On the rainy morning of what would become the first crisp Saturday of the fall, volunteers joined FMR ecologist Alex Roth, FMR Stewardship & Education Director Adam Flett and yours truly (Sophie Downey) along the sandy shores of the Mississippi in south Minneapolis.
Eighth Street Stormwater Planters
A pilot project will use trees and stormwater planters to manage runoff in downtown Minneapolis.
A Better Way to Decrease Disastrous Flooding on the Mississippi River
Our attempts to wall in a surging Mississippi have failed up and down the river, leading to catastrophic flooding. Now momentum is building to work with nature, not against it.
Meet the Main Energy Plant: a hidden world reducing University emissions
The University produces heat and electricity on campus, allowing for more creative sustainable practices.
St. Croix River, 580 other waterways added to state's list of troubled waters
State finds 56% of Minnesota's lakes and streams are 'impaired'
A popular stretch of the St. Croix River was found to be contaminated with phosphorus.
Part of St. Croix River makes Minnesota impaired waters list
A scenic stretch of the St. Croix River was one of 581 waterways Minnesota has added to its list of waters that don't meet state pollution standards, according to a report released Wednesday.
Newsletter: Mississippi Watershed Management Organization
Water Works Construction Update (From Mpls Parks Foundation)
Now nearly four months into construction, the Water Works site looks markedly different from where it began last July. Construction crews continue to focus on site grading and mill remnant stabilization, as winter fast approaches and work will soon shift indoors. Read full article, photos…
FMR ecologist makes the cover of Science for earthworm research
From wrestling buckthorn to writing long-term ecological management plans for hundreds of acres to conducting vital research, FMR ecologists contribute to their fields in so many ways. Most recently, our ecologist Alex Roth was an author on earthworm research that made it on the cover of the highly regarded professional journal Science, the same journal that published the human genome for the first time.
Discover Your River on Give to the Max Day (From Mississippi River Park Connection)
Mississippi Park Connection creates opportunities for people to discover the Mississippi River through youth education, community engagement, and environmental stewardship programs.
MWMO Public Opinion Survey (From the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization)
The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization works to improve water quality and habitat in an urban watershed that drains to the Mississippi River. We are a joint-powers local government unit and one of approximately three dozen watershed organizations in the Twin Cities metropolitan area.
WEEK OF November 4, 2019
Why does the Stone Arch Bridge cross the river at such an odd angle?
Minneapolis was a tiny burg when the Stone Arch Bridge brought striking grandeur and elegance to the city’s industrial riverfront. Even surrounded by a modern day metropolis, the bridge remains one of the region’s most eye-catching landmarks.
Why the Mississippi River Needs a Bill of Rights
In his 45 years as a shrimp fisherman in south Louisiana, Venice native Acy Cooper has never seen the industry suffer like it has this year. Not after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005. Not in the years after the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010.
A new name for Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park: Mississippi Gateway
Brooklyn Park's Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park gets a new name and amenities.
Strommen says 'no' to shipping Dakota County groundwater to Colorado
As reported by the Star Tribune, Dakota County and state agency staff are reviewing a concerning proposal: Progressive Rail wants to extract 500 million gallons of water per year from a unique Dakota County aquifer to be shipped via “Water Train” to Colorado for use in irrigation.
DNR Commissioner Sarah Strommen: 'Virtually no scenario' in which the state would OK shipping water to the Southwest
Official sees "virtually no scenario" that would allow Minn. water to be diverted.
Job Opening: Park Guide - Mississippi National River and Recreation Area
The primary purpose of this position is to provide guide services to visitors. The work involves giving talks, interpreting natural and historic features, answering questions, guiding tours, and providing miscellaneous services to visitors.
Riding the River Longboard Art Community Event
A special evening with Juxtaposition Arts youth apprentices, who will present their process for building and designing their Mississippi River-inspired longboards.
De Wakpa Taŋka Odowaŋ / Song for the Mississippi River: a poem from Gwen Westerman
"I stand here today, a Dakota woman in the 21st century. By all rights, I should not be here. We have survived storm, prairie fires, wars, declarations from Alexander Ramsey that we should be exterminated or driven forever beyond the borders of this state. But I stand here today as a Dakota woman."
Minneapolis Watershed Management Organization Fall 2019 Newsletter
Project Updates, News, Events and More.
Lead shot takes the spotlight as FMR petitions state
As fall hunting season arrives, lead shot and tackle is once again in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.
For the Best Fall Colors, Look at Your Feet
The prairie provides unique colors that are not often associated with the changing leaves of fall. Dark purple, maroons, mauves, and navy blues abound as autumn wildflowers bloom and prairie grasses go to seed.
Save the Date: Friends of the river happy hour
Together we will raise a glass for our hometown river, indulge in delicious appetizers, hear a wrap up of the work we did in 2019, and get in a sneak preview of what's coming up next year.
Saturday: Mississippi River Care: Father Hennepin Bluffs
Take a healthy break helping clean up our Mississippi riverfront; learning about the future of the Mississippi and how you can make a difference.
Former County Commissioner, Mark Andrew, Joins Initiative to Transform Lock and Dam into World-Class Visitors and Interpretative Center
In this newly created position, Andrew will forge a coalition of support for the riverfront revitalization among key decision makers in government, business and the private sector.
Plan to remake lock and dam, Minneapolis riverfront taking shape
The backers are on the verge of securing more than $5 million to get project off the ground.
The Future of Water: A Panel Discussion
Twin Cities community members will discuss their work caring for Minnesota's rivers, lakes, and lands and share resources and knowledge on ways to sustain a healthy and vibrant community.
Saturday: Lop buckthorn and build wildlife habitat piles in the river gorge
Join FMR staff and volunteers for a morning of working along the beautiful Mississippi river on the Minneapolis side of the river gorge.
New nonprofit formed to champion St. Paul's riverfront
St. Paul and Ramsey County have worked for years to reclaim the city’s 26-mile Mississippi River waterfront, which takes in the site of Minnesota’s largest unpermitted dump and once was overlooked by the county jail, of all things.
River of History: Settlement and Urban Residential Development Along the River, 1841-1950
Town formation in the MNRRA corridor began soon after settlers came to the upper Mississippi valley in the early 1800s. Between 1820 and 1945 dozens of settlements grew up in the MNRRA corridor.
Good news, bad news in the fight to stop invasive carp
Due to extended periods of high water this summer, a whopping 12 invasive carp were found in the Mississippi and St. Croix Rivers in Minnesota this year.
Northern Metals’ Minneapolis facility shut down after company admits to altering pollution records
The embattled recycling company Northern Metals has admitted to altering pollution records and was ordered to shut down its north Minneapolis metal shredder weeks earlier than it wanted.
Metal shredder to shut down in settlement with Minnesota
The permanent shutdown at 6 p.m. Monday was one of the key parts of a settlement between Northern Metals Recycling and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
North Minneapolis metal shredder admits it altered pollution readings; must shut down facility
A legal settlement, filed Monday in Ramsey County District Court, marked an end to a bitter and yearslong effort by North Side residents and environmental activists to move Northern Metal Recycling out of their neighborhood.
North Minneapolis residents welcome shutdown of metal shredder
But residents also want legal consequences for Northern Metal Recycling.
Watch: Northern Metal Shuts Down Minneapolis Shredder
Area C: The overlooked Ford site
You might be familiar with the main Ford site and its redevelopment plans, but the hazardous waste dump site at Area C on the river's edge is less well-known.
Mississippi River News – Fall/Winter Edition from Mississippi Park Connection (Download/Read Online)
Looking for some light weekend reading? Download the latest edition of Mississippi River News.
Can a $1 million light-and-sound show stop invasive carp?
Barrier of underwater strobe lights and sound, invented at the U, may be final chance to flush invasive fish from Minnesota's waters.
Fort Snelling State Park reopens six months after extensive flood damage
Officials said repairs at the popular venue, closed since March, will continue through the fall.
Record rainfall causes erosion problems in southern Minnesota river towns
Runoff from the summer's soaking has eaten away riverbanks, landscape.
FMR graduates its first Youth Empowerment Program participants
If you visited the FMR office on a Tuesday in early August, you might have seen monarch butterflies, caterpillars and chrysalises in mesh cages.
Changing climate, changing river
Learn more about how climate change will supercharge pollution from agricultural landscapes, how we're choosing species for our restoration projects with climate in mind, and how we factor climate change into our riverfront development advocacy.
Once key to industry and transportation, Mississippi River poised for makeover in Minneapolis
The stretch of the Mississippi between the upper St. Anthony Falls and Minneapolis’ northern border is poised for a once-in-a-generation transformation, as the river transitions from an industrial shipping corridor to a place beckoning boaters, kayakers, revelers and residents.
Minnesota DNR catches, tags silver carp in the St. Croix River
Wildlife officials found the silver carp, the first of its kind to get a tag, while tracking a tagged bighead carp.
How Minnesota can lead in a water-scarce world
In more than 40 countries roughly 700 million people suffer from water scarcity. As climate change deteriorates our natural landscape, there’s a need for solution-based proposals on how to provide and preserve access to high quality water.
Saturday: Scandal on the Water Front - The Theater of Public History!
Learn about the scandalous history of Minneapolis along the waterfront. Former Mayor “Doc” Ames had a corrupt and dangerous administration, but was it fun? What was it like when Madams once held influence over the Governor? Plus improv comedy!
Celebrating the Mississippi River: FMR presents an evening with American Routes' Nick Spitzer and WCCO's Jearlyn Steele
The Big River’s biggest night is just around the corner. We hope you can join us for An Evening Celebrating the Mississippi River on October 3. This year’s event celebrates the myriad ways in which the river connects.
Scandal on the Water Front - The Theater of Public History!
Come hear stories from guests Penny Peterson, author of "Minneapolis Madams" and Iric Nathansen, author of "Minneapolis in the 20th Century".
Learn about the scandalous history of Minneapolis along the waterfront. Former Mayor “Doc” Ames had a corrupt and dangerous administration, but was it fun? What was it like when Madams once held influence over the Governor? Plus improv comedy!
‘It Smells Dangerous’: Whistleblower Tips Off MPCA About Northern Metals Violation
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is asking the courts to immediately get involved after a Northern Metal Recycling employee said the company altered its pollution control equipment readings.
Mississippi Park Connection Newsletter
The Fall 2019 / Winter 2020 print newsletter is hitting the stands in a few weeks. Sign-up to have a copy delivered to your front door…
Plant for the Future
As the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area’s urban canopy faces increasing pressure from invasive pests, a changing climate, and challenges with regeneration, Mississippi Park Connection is committed to building resilience in our urban forests.
At Pig's Eye Lake, officials split over using artificial islands to boost ecology
Wind across the shallow lake in St. Paul’s remote southeast corner stirs sediment in the water, blocking sunlight and preventing vegetation from taking root. Under the surface, carp root along the bottom, exacerbating the problem.
Save the Date - My Mighty Journey: A Waterfall's Story - Family Day
Using natural and found materials guests can make their own images of St. Anthony Falls and the Minneapolis riverfront milling district during a family day that celebrates the new exhibit "My Mighty Journey: A Waterfall's Story."
FMR voices concerns around Upper Harbor Terminal process
As we've participated in the last few months of community engagement around the Upper Harbor Terminal (UHT) redevelopment project in North Minneapolis, FMR has become increasingly concerned about how rushed and incomplete this process appears to be.
Visiting St. Anthony Falls
The Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam closed in 2015. In the following summer of 2016, the U.S Army Corps of Engineers made an agreement for the National Park Service to operate the visitor center and give tours. Mississippi Park Connection, the nonprofit partner to the park, currently staffs the St. Anthony Falls Visitor Center, which is how I got the amazing opportunity to work here.
Friday Night: Sunset on the Lock
Sunset on the Lock is the only chance to experience the best of Minnesota summer nights in one of the most picturesque locations in the Twin Cities, the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam.
Saturday Night: Sunset on the Lock: Chalk the Lock
Join us on August 31 for extended evening hours to get close to the falls and the Mississippi River. In addition to enjoying a stroll along the lock wall and stunning views, world renowned chalk artists Shawn McCann Arts and Kimberly Wood (The Seventh Studio) will be creating chalk art installations.
Study could expand public access to roaring Minneapolis riverfront
Upper St. Anthony Falls area could be transformed by visitor center and more.
Minnesota teen buys an island in the Mississippi for his beloved bunnies
On a Mississippi River isle, a teenager has created a haven for his beloved bunnies, and a healing place for humans.
Staycations on North America's Rivers and Waterways: The Mississippi
Call it “Ol’ Man River,” “The Big Muddy,” “Old Blue,” “The Gathering of Waters” or the translation of its original Ojibwe name “misi-ziibi” meaning “Great River,” the Mississippi is America's most iconic, historic and storied river route.
Watch: First Phase of Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park Revamp Almost Complete
The finishing touches are going on the first phase of the revamp of Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park. The city of Brooklyn Park and Three Rivers Park District are partnering together on a project to revitalize the two parks.
Reclaiming the river: North Minneapolis connects with its water border
The narrative about the Northside’s relationship to its national park border often focuses on disconnection. The construction of highway 94 in the 60s created a formidable barrier between residents and the Mississippi River. Industry and undeveloped land continues to make accessing the waterfront a difficult and sometimes impossible experience.
FMR Job Opening: Administrative Assistant
FMR is a leading and growing nonprofit organization working to protect, restore and enhance the Mississippi River and its watershed in the Twin Cities region.
Tomorrow Night - Public Meeting: St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam Disposition Study at the Mill City Museum
Since the closure of the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock in 2015, commercial river traffic on the Mississippi upstream of downtown St. Paul has declined. This has raised questions about the future of the three locks and two dams in Minneapolis and St. Paul: Upper St. Anthony Falls, Lower St. Anthony Falls, and Lock and Dam No. 1, often called the "Ford Dam."
Saturday: History of The Mississippi River - Theater Of Public Policy
Issues and stories of the Mississippi River come to life through engaging conversations and improvisation on three nights with the Theater of Public Policy. The Theater of Public Policy advances the understanding of complex ideas and issues by unpacking them through smart conversation and improvisational comedy.
Creating a waterborne interstate for commerce: The River’s Revenge
About 180 miles from Lake Itasca, the river here runs into its first major barrier — a 49-foot-tall dam that regulates the river’s depth and speed, permitting year-round barge and ship traffic.
Judge's ruling gives north Minneapolis metal shredder more time
Facility had been ordered to close Aug. 1 because of air pollution concerns.
Pollinator Pathways Community Event
Join the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization and the University of St. Thomas for a guided walk through MWMO’s raingardens and native plantings to learn more about pollinators.
Special Places: Cocktails on the river
We suggest a couple of our favorite spots to grab a cocktail (or mocktail) and watch the river flow by.
WEEK OF JULY 29, 2019
Our reliance on the Mississippi River is slowly destroying it
Minnesotans love the Mississippi River. Its source is our very own Lake Itasca, and it’s hard not to feel some sense of ownership as it winds through our state on the way to Louisiana.
The World’s Appetite Is Threatening the Mississippi River
Pollutants from booming farms combined with record wet weather are contaminating the nation's mightiest waterway.
MPCA: Minneapolis metal shredder must shut down by Aug. 1
Northern Metal Recycling had sought an extension while it completes a new shredder in Becker.
A lane of East River Road closed by mudslide now open
Heavy rainfall is believed to have caused a portion of the bluff to collapse.
Riverboat performance lets audience navigate a murder mystery
This isn’t an ordinary river cruise. It’s an interactive murder mystery that employs the riverboat to take guests down the Mississippi River to find the killer hiding among them.
Reporter's Notebook: Paddling On the Mississippi River
Recently I did something I had never done before, I took a canoe ride on the Mississippi River.
Tonight: Voices of the River
Join Victoria Bradford Styrbicki, dancer-athlete and organizer of Relay of Voices, the relay connecting the voices of the Mississippi River Region through shared movement and listening, for an evening of body-based storytelling.
WEEK OF JULY 22, 2019
Saturday: Lock-uatennial Open House
In conjunction with the Minneapolis Aquatennial, enjoy a leisurely stroll or picnic on the lock wall surrounded by panoramic views of the falls, explore the visitor center, interact with National Park Service rangers and the Army Corps of Engineers, and discover the history and impact of the falls on Minneapolis and the nation.
A fisherman's hope for balance between urban development and natural conservation
One of Nicholas Hammer's favorite hideaways is where Shingle Creek enters the Mississippi River, on the west side of the 42nd Avenue bridge in north Minneapolis. It's the spot where he usually sets up his fishing rod — shaded by trees, surrounded by birdsong and sloping gently into the water.
The World’s Appetite Is Threatening the Mississippi River
Pollutants from booming farms combined with record wet weather are contaminating the nation's mightiest waterway.
Finding spiritual connections, a sense of place on the Mississippi River
More than 30 years ago, a spiritualist in San Diego told Amoke Kubat she'd be "crossing the Mississippi River a lot."
July 31 Deadline for Entries in the Friends of the Mississippi River's Summer 2019 Write to the River Project
What brings you to the Mississippi during the summer? Friends of the Mississippi River invites you to be inspired and participate in their Write to the River creative writing project. Share an original poem or short prose response to seasonal images along the Upper Mississippi River.
Mississippi Messages — July 2019
July News from the Parks Foundation
Mississippi Watershed Management Organization Newsletter
WEEK OF JULY 15, 2019
Watch & Read: A trip down the mighty Mississippi
From the gentle rising headwaters in Northern Minnesota, to the Gulf of Mexico over 2,300 miles downstream, Mo Rocca takes a trip on the Mississippi River.
Watch: Paddle Share on the mighty Mississippi River
Paddle Share is expanding locations along the Mississippi.
Watch: Kayaking the Mississippi with Paddle Share
hayne Wells meets up with Katie Nyberg from the Mississippi Park Connection to learn all about the abundant kayaking opportunities they have along the Mississippi.
Position announcement: Administrative Assistant with Friends of the Mississippi River
The position is right for an organized and detail-oriented person with a genuine commitment to protecting the environmental and cultural resources of the Mississippi River.
FMR opposes proposed riverfront parking ramp
The proposed Federal Reserve Bank parking ramp.
Wednesday: St. Anthony Falls Laboratory Tour
Thursday: Free Water Ski Show with the Twin Cities River Rats!
Thursday - Downtown Riverfront Walking Tour
Friday - Lock and Dam 1 Open House
WEEK OF JULY 8, 2019
10 Reasons to Celebrate the RiverFirst Campaign
With the launch of the RiverFirst Campaign this week, it is only fitting to write a listicle on the many amazing reasons to celebrate this landmark Campaign and why we hope YOU will consider supporting this vision with a donation.
Explore the river
Where do FMR staff visit and explore our metro Mississippi River? We've featured 30 of our favorite places on this map. Be sure to check out the links to guides curated by experience and region below.
Job Opening: Water Resources Specialist
The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization is seeking a Water Resources Specialist to join the team.
Urban ecosystems grow in Cedar-Riverside
Rain gardens help to sustain pollinators while filtering clean water.
Tuesday: NEW! Paddle with a Ranger in Minneapolis
Get up close and personal with a heron rookery, spot bald eagles, peregrine falcons and other wildlife as you kayak down the Mississippi River with park ranger Sharon Stiteler.
Friday: Bike with a Ranger at The Commons (Minneapolis)
This Bike with a Ranger program begins at The Commons in downtown Minneapolis and takes you to historic stops along the river. Witness the evolution of a mill city that grew around water, power, and massive flour mills.
WEEK OF JULY 1, 2019
Thor Cos. out as partner in Minneapolis riverfront development
The firm shut down its construction arm amid lawsuits and other issues.
Nicollet Island Restoration Project
FMR is embarking on restoration of the natural areas on Nicollet Island. Restoration will encompass roughly 5.8 acres of land on the northeast side of the island and a band of an additional 1.3 acres of land on the island’s west side. The island itself is a 48-acre landmass located in the Mississippi River in Minneapolis. The acres in question are all owned by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board.
NEW! Paddle with a Ranger in Minneapolis
Get up close and personal with a heron rookery, spot bald eagles, peregrine falcons and other wildlife as you kayak down the Mississippi River with park ranger Sharon Stiteler. You will also pass by the site for the Upper Harbor Terminal Project, and several industries on the river. This four-mile paddle from North Mississippi Regional Park to Boom Island Park includes a kayak, paddle and personal flotation device rental from Paddle Share.
Thursday & Friday: Free Water Ski Show with the Twin Cities River Rats!
Join the River Rats as they travel through Mr. Wonka’s Chocolate Factory! The nationally ranked Twin Cities River Rats Water Ski Show Team puts on an exciting blend of water skiing, acrobatics and high speed thrills!
Sunday: Railroad History Walking Tour at Mill City Museum
Take a guided tour of railroad landmarks, including the Stone Arch Bridge, Milwaukee Road Depot, and the Minneapolis Eastern Railway engine house and trestle. Along the way, find clues to the vanishing railroad landscape and learn about the future of Twin Cities rail.
WEEK OF JUNE 24, 2019
Updated Designs for the Great Northern Greenway River Overlook
Iconic North Minneapolis riverfront park attraction expected to break ground this fall and open in 2020
Invasive carp caught in Minnesota rivers
The state Department of Natural Resources confirmed that over the last few weeks a bighead carp was caught in the St. Croix River near the Xcel Energy Allen S. King Power Plant in Oak Park Heights and three silver carp were caught in the Mississippi River between the locks and dams at Red Wing and Wabasha in southeastern Minnesota.
Park officials announce Mississippi River overlook in north Minneapolis
It will be the first new waterfront access on the North Side in 20 years.
$1.59M island home is a 'hidden treasure' south of St. Paul on Mississippi River
Grey Cloud Island property boasts five bedrooms, swimming pool and serene setting only 13 miles from St. Paul.
Help Clear the Overgrowth
The woods in James Rice Park have gone largely unmanaged for decades, and we need help clearing out some of the overgrowth to make the trails and views of the river more enjoyable for everyone. Tools provided.
Tuesday - RiverFirst Riverfront Tour
Get an insider’s view from guide Tom Evers (Minneapolis Parks Foundation Executive Director) of how the Minneapolis riverfront will soon transform through the most visionary parks-building effort in generations.
Wednesday Night: Murder on the Mississippi 2019
Fearless Comedy Productions is back with a brand new performance of Murder on the Mississippi. Featuring new cast members and an original, never-before-seen script set in the 1850s, this fresh take on a popular murder mystery theme is sure to keep you guessing!
Wednesday Night: Share the River Nordeast 2019
Join us for an evening of community, canoeing and cookies! Stop by anytime between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. for a free introductory canoe ride on the Mississippi River, then grab a free cookie from Cookie Cart and enjoy a variety of fun and educational activities at our Stormwater Park and Learning Center.
Wednesday Night: Public Hearing on Mississippi Gorge Regional Park Master Plan
A public hearing on the Mississippi Gorge Regional Park Master Plan is scheduled at 6:30 pm during the regular Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) of Commissioners meeting Wednesday, June 26, 2019, 6:30 pm at Mary Merrill MPRB Headquarters, 2117 West River Road.
Friday Night: Sunset on the Lock
Join the Mississippi Park Connection June 28 for the lock’s extended evening hours to get close to the falls and the Mississippi River. Stroll along the lock wall with panoramic views of the Mississippi River and surrounding area, with a classic Minneapolis sunset as the backdrop to your life.
WEEK OF JUNE 17, 2019
Midtown Greenway advocates consider bridge options over Mississippi River
The Midtown Greenway Coalition examined the cost of bridge renovation.
Mississippi River dredging heavy duty after late snow, spring rain
Much more sand and silt have come down the river after late snow.
Opening Night: Murder on the Mississippi 2019
Part social event, part theater production, and all aboard the Jonathan Padelford!
WEEK OF JUNE 10, 2019
Watch - Hill's Folly: James J Hill and the Stone Arch Bridge
One of the most recognizable architectural landmarks of Minneapolis is the Stone Arch Bridge. Built by Railroad Baron James J. Hill back in 1883, the Stone Arch Bridge is the only bridge of its kind spanning the Mississippi River. Built of 100,000 tons of granite and limestone, this 2,100 foot long structure, composed of twenty-three gracefully curving arches, helped usher the railroad age into the city of Minneapolis.
In its heyday, forty-eight passenger trains crossed the Stone Arch Bridge each and every day bringing thousands of travelers into and out of the central business district of Minneapolis. But as air travel replaced passenger train travel, the bridge went into decline. By 1980 it had become little more than a fenced off, derelict structure surrounded by crumbling, abandoned flour mills.
In 1994 a partnership of public agencies rehabilitated the bridge for pedestrian use. Today the Stone Arch Bridge is the jewel of the brilliantly redeveloped Minneapolis Riverfront. Thanks primarily to the Minneapolis Park Board, our grandchildren, as well as our grandchildrens' grandchildren, will one day be able to stroll across the Mississippi River on James J. Hill's monument to the railroad age.
Watch Hill’s Folly on YouTube…
Wednesday: NE Stormwater Management Initiative
Join Council Member Kevin Reich and representatives from MWMO, Mpls Public Works and Minneapolis Park & Rec Board to learn more about a joint partnership to implement innovative stormwater Best Management Practices like tree trenches and biofiltration basins at Columbia Golf Course in NE Minneapolis. This initiative follows several years of monitoring and developing detailed stormwater models. Stop by between 5 & 5:30 to tour MWMO's Stormwater Park & Learning Center, then attend the forum which starts at 5:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served and all are welcome.
Check out this awesome Mississippi River Paddle Share video produced by Almanac!
Paddle Share is a new, first-in-the-nation program that lets you rent a kayak right from your phone. It’s a collaboration between the National Park Service and several non-profit and corporate partners.
Landmark farm rule aims to protect Minnesota's drinking water
Hoping to cut nitrate levels in drinking supply, Minnesota regulating fertilizer use.
Plant shrubs, wildflowers and sedges along the river gorge
We will spend the evening planting shrubs, wildflowers, sedges and a few trees helping to build a buffer of native plant populations around the prized oak savanna area and will help to re-establish native vegetation where buckthorn has been previously removed.
Saturday: Global Water Dance on the Stone Arch Bridge
This worldwide event, linked throughout the day via broadcast and social media, will challenge countless observers, locally and online, to deepen their understanding about the importance of water in communities the world over.
WEEK OF JUNE 3, 2019
Riverfront regional park plan roundup
This past month, FMR's River Corridor program staff have been busy reviewing and commenting on draft master plans for Above the Falls, Mississippi Gorge and Hidden Falls Crosby Farm regional parks.
Canoe RAVE at North Mississippi Regional Park
For this RAVE, we will explore the northern end of our park aboard our awesome partner Wilderness Inquiry’s 24-foot voyageur canoes, and along the way hear river stories from national park rangers. We’ll meet near picnic shelter C at North Mississippi Regional Park, paddle out, land at River Park to do a service project, and then paddle back to where we started.
Watch: U of M researchers experiment with 'Carp Cannon' to stop spread of invasive fish
The annual migration of fish presents a unique opportunity for researchers at the University of Minnesota testing a new way to stop the spread of invasive carp.
Enjoy the view and tend the native prairie at Ole Olson Park
Ole Olson Park in north Minneapolis is known for its top-notch walking and biking trails and stunning skyline views, but we want it to be recognized for even more. Join FMR as we return to this riverfront park to tend an important native demonstration prairie garden along the bike trail.
Tending Our Shared Waters: Roundtable Gathering & Celebration
For the past year, Freshwater Society and Water Bar & Public Studio have been working together with local artists and organizers on "Tending Our Shared Waters" -- a pilot project supported with an Action Grant from Mississippi Watershed Management Organization.
Free Canoe Rides on the Mississippi
Join us for an evening of community, canoeing and cookies! Stop by anytime between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. for a free introductory canoe ride on the Mississippi River, then grab a free cookie from Cookie Cart and enjoy a variety of fun and educational activities at our Stormwater Park and Learning Center.
WEEK OF MAY 27, 2019
Meet Your Neighbors: Eagles & Marcy-Holmes
Three eaglets hatched this spring in the Marcy-Holmes nest near the Stone Arch Bridge. Sharon Stiteler, National Park Service bird expert, will introduce our new avian neighbors.
Life (and lots of music) on the Mississippi
Jeff Arundel’s restaurant empire on the banks of the Mississippi River sits a few miles from the Tangletown neighborhood he grew up in, but it’s safe to say that growing up near Minnehaha Creek and Lake Harriet influenced the owner of the Aster Cafe, Jefe, the Hideaway Burger Bar and the River Room — all of which carry an ancient feel straight out of Harry Potter or Game Of Thrones.
Point: From superstar to sewer: The path of the Minnesota River
A run-down river runs through our state. It used to be great, and now it's degraded. We did that — and we just won't stop.
Counterpoint: Further perspectives on the 'run-down' Minnesota River
Farming gets pegged as a culprit for the Minnesota's condition, but if we're putting things in historical context, we must think broadly.
Job Opening: Administrative Assistant
The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization is seeking an Administrative Assistant to join the team.
Rescheduled: Paddle Share Season Opener – June 1
We're sorry to report that Paddle Share will be CLOSED Memorial Day Weekend due to high water and unsafe conditions* on the Mississippi River.
WEEK OF MAY 20, 2019
Is Minnesota’s tiny Lake Itasca the true source of the Mississippi River?
The river’s cultural story spans decades of exploration by travelers who followed the Mississippi north into Minnesota in search of its source.
A walk through Deep Time on the Stone Arch Bridge
Here's a thought experiment to put our impact on this world in perspective.
Photos: A rare glimpse inside the Hennepin Island Powerhouse
Across from the humming patios of St. Anthony Main, a tangle of trees and electrical equipment hide a slice of Minneapolis history.
Paddle Share Season Opener (Memorial Day Weekend)
Mississippi River Paddle Share is a new and exciting recreational and transportation opportunity for people who have some kayaking experience, don’t own a boat, and want a safe and enjoyable river experience. This is a first of its kind in a national park and in the country.
A Newcomer’s TOP 5 List of Minneapolis Park Activities
As a new resident, there is still so much that I’d like to explore. So, after diving into some online resources and talking with new acquaintances, I’ve built a short list of my “Top 5” Minneapolis parks and activities that I’ve made it my goal to get to this summer.
Will Thor Construction’s closure affect plans for the Upper Harbor Terminal?
Long before the change in the development team, the project faced pushback from some community members.
St. Anthony Falls Visitor Center Season Opener
Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam provides panoramic views of the Upper St. Anthony Lock and Dam, St. Anthony Falls, and the surrounding mill district. Exhibits at the visitor center provide information about the falls and its place in Minnesota history.
WEEK OF MAY 13, 2019
‘Share the River Nordeast’ Canoe Event Returns on June 26
Experience the Mississippi River in an evening of community, canoeing and cookies.
Write to the River — Spring 2019 call for submissions
Write to the River is a creative writing project to inspire artistic engagement with our river environment.
Show your favorite river spots some love and vote for them in the River Travel Magazine Best Of contest
River Travel Magazine is announcing the 2019 Best of The River contest, this survey is focusing on the best attractions, accommodations, food & drink, and trails & tours along the Great River Road from Minnesota to Louisiana.
Spring Birding on the Mississippi Flyway
Watch for the earliest spring migrants along the Mississippi River in Minneapolis while walking with an MPRB naturalist.
Would you like to see Minneapolis from a new perspective? Would you like to help some students learn about how the city used the great waterfall? Please consider volunteering with the new and improved Journey to the Falls field trip.
Assist park rangers and the Minnesota Historical Society in leading a student activity operating hand mills, and interpreting artifacts and ruins. Work will be with field trip students (grades 4-6). Volunteers will meet at Mill Ruins Park in downtown Minneapolis.
WEEK OF MAY 6, 2019
Bite Back: An edible invasives potluck
While we feast on homemade garlic mustard pesto, quiche and more, Friends of the Mississippi ecologist Alex Roth will tell us how garlic mustard and other invasives impact the Mississippi River and local ecology.
New Issue: Open Rivers Spring Edition
This issue, brings together “an alarmingly beautiful set of calls to action, meditations on, and new directions toward our relationship with injustice and water” to offer some insight into these questions.
10th Avenue Bridge repairs expected to start in the fall
While the project will cause closures, improvements will make the bridge safer for bikers and pedestrians, officials say.
Coming in June: Share the River Nordeast 2019
In addition to learning to paddle on the river, participants will also have opportunities to learn about the Mississippi River’s history, water quality, plants, animals and more.
Update: Clean Water Fund bills pit key water programs against one another
These bills, the House and Senate "Clean Water Fund" bills have major differences between them, with significant implications for programs that impact the health of the Mississippi River, FMR's top legislative priorities.6
How did Nicollet Island become parkland with private housing on it?
The 48-acre sliver of land in the Mississippi River beside downtown is home to a secluded enclave of historic homes sitting atop public parkland. But that’s just one of the oddities of this place, an often-overlooked landmark of early Minneapolis that looks radically different today than it did half a century ago.
WEEK OF APRIL 29, 2019
Sub-Mississippi River water tunnel illustrates feats of modern engineering
Minneapolis will employ a boring machine to drill a 5-foot corridor deep beneath the Mississippi River to keep one of the city's most important drinking water pipes safe from the elements.
Memorial in Minneapolis will offer a place of healing for sexual assault survivors
Advocate plans space at Boom Island Park in northeast Minneapolis.
Friends of the Mississippi River Annual Report Now Online
Media rich interactive report a leap forward for, well, these kind of things.
25 ways you can help the river
Whether it’s unclogging a storm drain or lobbying at the Capitol, we hope you’ll find something new to try on this list of 25 ways you can help the river.
Outdoor & Nature Programming at Kroening Interpretive Center
Watch: 'Paddle Share' Is 'Nice Ride' On The Mississippi
You can now enjoy being on the Mississippi River even if you don't own a boat or canoe.
WEEK OF APRIL 22, 2019
Watch & Read: April 2019 Flooding at the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory (SAFL)
Thanks to the flooding Mississippi River, with its 42,000 CFS (Cubic Feet per Second) flow, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory Research Associate Jess Kozarek was able to paddle a kayak on 22 inches of water covering SAFL's basement floor.
Friends of the Mississippi 2018 Annual Report
Friends of the Mississippi invites you to enjoy their interactive online annual report.
Minneapolis plans to refurbish aging 10th Avenue Bridge over Mississippi River
After 90 years, things start to wear out. That's the case with the 10th Avenue Bridge over the Mississippi River parallel to Interstate 35W in downtown Minneapolis.
Sub-river water tunnel illustrates feats of modern engineering
Minneapolis will employ a boring machine to drill a 5-foot corridor deep beneath the Mississippi River.
Flying silver carp are discovered in the St. Croix River
Earlier this week, some commercial fishers on the St. Croix River, not far from Prescott, Wisconsin, hauled up their nets and found they’d snagged a little something extra.
Latest capture of silver 'flying' carp on St. Croix is 'disappointing' to DNR
An angler caught invasive fish in same area where one was found in 2017. The large fish compete with native species and are a potential threat to recreational boating.
#FindYourPark: Islands of Peace
There are three islands in the Mississippi River between Fridley and Brooklyn Center, known collectively since 1971 as the Islands of Peace.
Demonstration prairie planting on Nicollet Island
Working together on Nicollet Island, FMR staff and volunteers will dig in and plant over 600 native prairie plants! These prairie plugs will be planted in two 150-square-foot raised bed gardens along the newly installed pedestrian trail.
WEEK OF APRIL 15, 2019
Minneapolis residents, there is still time to help shape the Upper Harbor Terminal development!
The Minnesota Legislature is considering $2 million in public bonds for a privately-operated concert venue at Upper Harbor Terminal on the North Minneapolis riverfront, within Above the Falls Regional Park.
Using Science and Engineering to Clean Up Downtown Minneapolis’ Dirty Stormwater Runoff
It’s spring, one of our dirtiest times of year in the stormwater management world. It’s the time when all that trash and pollution that gathered on the landscape and got buried under the snow starts to re-surface. Melting snow piles and rain mobilize that pollution, often before the street sweepers or other spring clean-up efforts can get out to address the problem.
Breaking Ground on New Green Infrastructure Projects in the Watershed
Here at the MWMO, the vast majority of our annual budget goes toward green infrastructure projects — landscape features that capture, treat and/or reuse stormwater runoff. This is the time of year when our projects begin to break ground, and we’ve got an exciting slate of projects lined up for 2019.
Riverfront development plan could redo St. Paul skyline
Riverfront development plan could redo St. Paul skyline.
River Related Job Openings
Mississippi Park Connection: Retired or substitute teachers for seasonal part-time paid positions as River Educators.
National Park Service: The Mississippi National River and Recreation Area is hiring a permanent full-time Cultural Resources Program Manager.
Earth Day Riverfront Events
Mississippi River Gorge: Annual River Gorge Earth Day cleanup
Father Hennepin Park: Earth Day Clean Up 2019
Boom Island Park: 2019 5K Bee Run - Earth Day Fun Run/Walk/River Cleanup
Now Showing: Riverlines at MWMO
MWMO is hosting a new exhibit of abstract paintings that illustrate a deep connection with the Mississippi River. Local artist Annie Hejny has brought her exhibit "Riverlines" to our Stormwater Park and Learning Center.
Photos: Mississippi River continues to rise in St. Paul
The Mississippi in Saint Paul reached its flood crest last Sunday at almost 20 feet. Here's what it looked like:
Write to the River — Spring 2019 call for submissions
After record snowfall and persistent river ice, the first signs of spring have finally arrived: longer days, intense sunlight, pools of meltwater and flood warnings. How does spring along the river affect you? We'd like to know.
April 20: Mississippi River Care - Father Hennepin Bluffs
Join your neighbors and people working nearby as we care for our Mississippi River together. Take a healthy break helping clean up our Mississippi riverfront; learning about the future of the Mississippi and how you can make a difference; and having fun with other people in Marcy-Holmes neighborhood. Good for your community, good for your environment, and good for you!
April 20: Annual River Gorge Earth Day cleanup
All are welcome! This is a family-friendly event providing an excellent opportunity to get outside and work together to help improve this treasured area. We've returned to this site year after year and have noticed a dramatic improvement to the area thanks to dedicated volunteers like you!
Watch: Annual Eagle Survey on the Mississippi River
"Every year we monitor the park's bald eagle population by locating nests via helicoptor and assessing how many chicks are in each nest. Our annual survey is happening next week!”
Report: Protecting Mississippi headwaters has big payoff
A new study of the upper Mississippi River suggests the economic benefits of preserving critical land in the river's headwaters region could significantly outweigh the cost.
Increasing pollution sparks plan to restore Mississippi River headwaters
Guarding Mississippi seen as less costly than cleanup.
With ice retreating, Mississippi River primed for traffic still stuck downstream
Flooding downstream on the Mississippi means towboats can't travel north.
Mississippi River flooding could cost St. Paul $750,000
Public works crews have built the barriers along the Mississippi River downtown.
Minnesota rivers continue to creep up, but flooding remains moderate
A slow melt and lots of preparation have minimized the damage.
WEEK OF MARCH 25, 2019
'Water Works' project reimagines downtown Minneapolis Mill District
Construction on a two-phase, $30-million downtown park project will start as soon as conditions allow, according to Kate Lamers, a project design manager with Minneapolis Parks and Recreation.
Water Works Update: Mezzanine Phase
First proposed in 2011, the Water Works project has seen several design concepts, finally settling on something fairly close to the original from December 2011 (watch video below):
Upper Harbor Terminal - Where do we go from here?
Despite many concerns raised by community residents and FMR's River Guardians, the Minneapolis City Council has approved the concept plan for the Upper Harbor Terminal (UHT) site in North Minneapolis.
In changing north Minneapolis riverfront, mushroom farm fights to fit in
Since 2015, Mississippi Mushrooms has cultivated several varieties in the middle of the former Upper Harbor Terminal.
St. Paul braces for Mississippi River flooding with emergency declaration
The City Council approved Mayor Melvin Carter's emergency declaration.
Red Bull’s High-Flying Flugtag Event Returns to St. Paul This September
The last time St. Paul hosted the human-powered aircrafts competition was in 2010, when a team set the world record for furthest distance traveled.
Red Bull Flugtag event returning to St. Paul this fall
Mayor Melvin Carter parachuted onto Harriet Island to spread the news.
WEEK OF MARCH 18, 2019
Stone Arch Bridge slated to be closed this week for electrical repairs
Maintenance and repairs on overhead power lines will close the downtown Minneapolis pedestrian and bike bridge Friday, Monday and Tuesday.
Saturday - Welcome Back the Herons at Marshall Terrace Park
Great blue herons start returning to their rookery on the Mississippi River toward the end of March. Join Park Ranger Sharon (aka Birdchick) at Marshall Terrace Park in Minneapolis to watch them rebuild nests and do a little flirting. With any luck, you may also see the resident peregrine falcons fly over, as well as migrating ducks such as the buffleheads and goldeneye.
April 10: Water Action Day 2019
Throughout the day, participants can attend group meetings with their legislators, participate in a youth summit, attend important hearings on our bills, and join in the #ProtectOurWater rally in the Capitol Rotunda.
Coming Soon: Minneapolis Riverwalk Tour
Hungry for an off the beaten path Minneapolis food experience? Join us as we explore one of the city's trendy and historical neighborhoods, the Mill District and St. Anthony on Main in Northeast Minneapolis.
Map Monday: An Urban Transit-Type Portrayal of the Upper Mississippi
The above map shows the start of the Mississippi River in the upper left corner, down to Minneapolis and St. Paul, and then toward Wisconsin.
WEEK OF MARCH 11, 2019
Spring Cleaning: Mississippi River Care: Father Hennepin Bluffs
Take a healthy break helping clean up our Mississippi riverfront; learning about the future of the Mississippi and how you can make a difference; and having fun with other people in Marcy-Holmes neighborhood.
Experience the Mississippi River Paddle Share
Mississippi River Paddle Share is a new and exciting recreational and transportation opportunity for people who don’t own a boat and want a safe and enjoyable river experience. See how easy it is to use the Paddle Share in this short video.
Job Opening: National Park Ranger at the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area
The duties are primarily staffing and providing support for the Mississippi River Visitor Center and Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam visitor center.
Minneapolis City Council approves concept plan for riverfront project
The redevelopment would be one of the city's biggest projects in recent years.
Mpls. council backs concept for riverfront development
The Upper Harbor Terminal plan concerns 48 acres of riverfront. It envisions entertainment facilities and affordable housing, and it would restore river access to nearby neighborhoods.
With Minneapolis' first amphitheater, city walks fine line between national and community attraction
Minneapolis riverfront plan has raised concerns for North Siders about their role in redevelopment.
Despite opposition, Minneapolis approves Upper Harbor Terminal amphitheater concept
Residents of North Minneapolis say their views have been ignored during the process.
Everything You Need to Know About Minneapolis' Upper Harbor Terminal Project—And What Happens Next
The massive plan to turn 48 acres of riverfront land into housing, businesses and an outdoor performance venue was approved Friday. Here's a look at the costs and the challenges ahead.
Wednesday: Working River Tour: Mpls Drinking Water Plant
Ever wonder how the water you drink every day gets to your tap? Join us for this unique tour of The Public Works Water Treatment & Distribution Service (WTDS) located along the Mississippi River.
See the Mississippi River in its natural flow state
City Council committee approves N. Mpls. riverfront development 'concept plan'
Minneapolis City Council panel advances North Side riverfront development, with pledge to listen
After leading a Minneapolis riverfront revival, MSR Design heads downtown
Upper Harbor Terminal vote postponed again as opponents seek changes
Shriners campus near Mississippi River in Minneapolis is for sale
Welcome Back the Herons March 23 with the Mississippi Park Connection
Full funding secured to repair Stone Arch Bridge
Stone Arch Bridge repairs fully funded
Caution: Bridge closings coming in 2020
A Drone’s Eye View of the Watershed