Retaining Wall Under Construction Below the 3rd Ave S / 1st St S Intersection

Submitted by Doug Verdier
Work continues on the Third Avenue Bridge project despite bitter cold and snow. The photo here was taken before the “Blizzard of 2022.” Shown here is work to construct a retaining wall in the area below the intersection of First Street S and Third Avenue S. The post office building is seen in the background.
The previous earthen bank and retaining wall were severely deteriorated and collapsing, so those features were removed earlier this year. Shown here is a new concrete retaining wall with what are called “soil nails” inserted along the front of the wall. Sometime in spring 2023, this part of the project will be completed and landscaping will take place as previously planned. Residents who would like to view this location can do so by walking along the woonerf below First Street S toward the North end of Water Works Park. Please exercise caution when in the area and do not attempt to enter the trench in front of the retaining wall or climb on the structure now protected by plastic.