Residents Invited to Join Next Minneapolis Charter Commission Redistricting Meetings on February 9 and 24

Via a recent e-announcement from the City of Minneapolis:
Two upcoming special meetings have been scheduled for the Charter Commission for the purpose of receiving public comment on proposed park district and ward boundary map changes for 2021-2022 redistricting.
February 9, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.
February 24, 2022, at 4:00 p.m.
The agenda for the meeting on February 9, 2022, has been published and is linked below. We'll publish the agenda for the meeting on February 24, 2022, on LIMS and send additional notice when it is published. These meetings will be online (virtual) meetings.
Notice: Members of the committee may participate remotely by telephone or other electronic means due to the local public health emergency (novel coronavirus pandemic) declared on March 16, 2020, pursuant to the provisions of MN Statutes Section 13D.021.
Watch the meeting on Comcast Channel 14 or 799, City Council TV or City's YouTube channel.
Learn how to participate in the meeting.
See the upcoming Charter Commission calendar and latest Charter Commission agenda items.
Visit the Charter Commission website to learn more about it.